创建磁盘镜像时,( )表示镜像是受保护的,不能被删除。 A: --public B: --private C: --protected D: -unprotected
创建磁盘镜像时,( )表示镜像是受保护的,不能被删除。 A: --public B: --private C: --protected D: -unprotected
It seems that those who are () usually pay a great deal of money for a little service. A: foolish B: inexperienced C: weak and unprotected D: very wealthy and happy
It seems that those who are () usually pay a great deal of money for a little service. A: foolish B: inexperienced C: weak and unprotected D: very wealthy and happy
创建磁盘镜像时,()表示镜像是公有的,可以被所有项目(租户)使用。 A: --public B: --private C: --protected D: -unprotected
创建磁盘镜像时,()表示镜像是公有的,可以被所有项目(租户)使用。 A: --public B: --private C: --protected D: -unprotected
Ebola virus can spread among humans primarily through unprotected direct contact of skin or mucous membranes with blood or body fluids of a person who is ill with EVD, or the _____ of a deceased patient who had EVD.
Ebola virus can spread among humans primarily through unprotected direct contact of skin or mucous membranes with blood or body fluids of a person who is ill with EVD, or the _____ of a deceased patient who had EVD.
拆掉盖子后,插头就是去保护。 A: When you remove the cover, the contacts have no protection. B: The cover cannot protect contacts if you remove it. C: The cover cannot shield contacts if you remove it. D: When you remove the cover, the contacts are unprotected.
拆掉盖子后,插头就是去保护。 A: When you remove the cover, the contacts have no protection. B: The cover cannot protect contacts if you remove it. C: The cover cannot shield contacts if you remove it. D: When you remove the cover, the contacts are unprotected.
A 27-year-old man has fever, macular rash, and lymphadenopathy. He had unprotected sex with amale partner 2 weeks before the onset of these symptoms and has just learned that the partner isinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The patient’s rapid HIV test is negative. What isthe best test to evaluate this patient for HIV infection? A: HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) B: PCR for HIV RNA C: Western blot testing D: Glycoprotein 120 ELISA testing E: PCR for HIV DNA
A 27-year-old man has fever, macular rash, and lymphadenopathy. He had unprotected sex with amale partner 2 weeks before the onset of these symptoms and has just learned that the partner isinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The patient’s rapid HIV test is negative. What isthe best test to evaluate this patient for HIV infection? A: HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) B: PCR for HIV RNA C: Western blot testing D: Glycoprotein 120 ELISA testing E: PCR for HIV DNA