• 2021-04-14 问题

    II. Write a short paragraph to expound “Pride” in 50 words.

    II. Write a short paragraph to expound “Pride” in 50 words.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    clarify A: illustrate B: demonstrate C: expound D: discard

    clarify A: illustrate B: demonstrate C: expound D: discard

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    There is only time to () the plan and we will discuss it in detail next week. A: decry B: eliminate C: expound D: adumbrate

    There is only time to () the plan and we will discuss it in detail next week. A: decry B: eliminate C: expound D: adumbrate

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    【单选题】To grow the business, he needs to develop management ________ and innovation across his team. A: expertise B: expend C: exposure D: expound

    【单选题】To grow the business, he needs to develop management ________ and innovation across his team. A: expertise B: expend C: exposure D: expound

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    It is not the teacher’s business to ________, but to give a real picture of life to students and help them find the problem and solve it. A: expound B: preach C: advocate D: moralize

    It is not the teacher’s business to ________, but to give a real picture of life to students and help them find the problem and solve it. A: expound B: preach C: advocate D: moralize

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    You could refuse to () your Social Security number except for Social Security purposes, which is all that the law requires. A: expound B: divulge C: apprehend D: unriddle

    You could refuse to () your Social Security number except for Social Security purposes, which is all that the law requires. A: expound B: divulge C: apprehend D: unriddle

  • 2022-07-25 问题

    请问下列译文中,哪一句不能用来解释 “亦足以发” A: He can further expound what I have taught. B: His private conduct fully demonstrates what I have taught him. C: I found him able to illustrate my teaching. D: He could further assess his own conduct in all-round activities.

    请问下列译文中,哪一句不能用来解释 “亦足以发” A: He can further expound what I have taught. B: His private conduct fully demonstrates what I have taught him. C: I found him able to illustrate my teaching. D: He could further assess his own conduct in all-round activities.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    It is absolutely ________ that we deal with this emergency by tomorrow. . comparative B. impressive C. imperative D. operative To grow the business, he needs to develop management ________ and innovation across his team. expertise B. expend C. exposure D. expound ___________ by the government, these children who are caught up in the war were suffering. Overlooked B. Overlook C. Overlooking D. Having overlooked Millions of people would die _______ hunger and epidemic as indirect results of war. to B. away C. out D. of Complete and clear financial accounts are ________ to the success of any enterprise. vacated B. vital C. viable D. virtual 6. I did not see your cell phone and shoes, so I ________ that you had left already. assumed B. pursued C. proposed D. consumed 7. For both sides’ ________, the contract placed clear obligations on this cooperation. A. beneficent B. beneficial C. benefit D. benefactors 8.If this round of talk fails, the world’s trading environment is likely to become increasingly________. A. contrasted B. countless C. hostile D. hospitable 9. The whole industries should ________ themselves to the market and expand new business, only in this way can they adapt to the reform. A. cope B. deal C. gear D. grab As for the dissertation, I haven’t read much into it ________, I have only scanned through it. as if B. as possible C. as much D. as yet

    It is absolutely ________ that we deal with this emergency by tomorrow. . comparative B. impressive C. imperative D. operative To grow the business, he needs to develop management ________ and innovation across his team. expertise B. expend C. exposure D. expound ___________ by the government, these children who are caught up in the war were suffering. Overlooked B. Overlook C. Overlooking D. Having overlooked Millions of people would die _______ hunger and epidemic as indirect results of war. to B. away C. out D. of Complete and clear financial accounts are ________ to the success of any enterprise. vacated B. vital C. viable D. virtual 6. I did not see your cell phone and shoes, so I ________ that you had left already. assumed B. pursued C. proposed D. consumed 7. For both sides’ ________, the contract placed clear obligations on this cooperation. A. beneficent B. beneficial C. benefit D. benefactors 8.If this round of talk fails, the world’s trading environment is likely to become increasingly________. A. contrasted B. countless C. hostile D. hospitable 9. The whole industries should ________ themselves to the market and expand new business, only in this way can they adapt to the reform. A. cope B. deal C. gear D. grab As for the dissertation, I haven’t read much into it ________, I have only scanned through it. as if B. as possible C. as much D. as yet

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