• 2022-06-08 问题

    下面的代码:var person = {fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62};var text = "";for (var x in person) { text += person[x];}循环结束后,text的值为:( ) A: BillGates62 B: Bill C: Gates D: 62

    下面的代码:var person = {fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62};var text = "";for (var x in person) { text += person[x];}循环结束后,text的值为:( ) A: BillGates62 B: Bill C: Gates D: 62

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    以下代码片段执行后,text的值为:( )var person = {fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62};var text = "";for (var x in person) { text += person[x];} A: BillGates62 B: fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62 C: BillGates D: 62

    以下代码片段执行后,text的值为:( )var person = {fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62};var text = "";for (var x in person) { text += person[x];} A: BillGates62 B: fname:"Bill", lname:"Gates", age:62 C: BillGates D: 62

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】What is the name of the foundation that established by Bill Gates and his wife ? A. Bill Gates Foundation B. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation C. Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation D. Gates Foundation

    【单选题】What is the name of the foundation that established by Bill Gates and his wife ? A. Bill Gates Foundation B. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation C. Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation D. Gates Foundation

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    Why Bill Gates' kids are going to get different treatment A: Bill Gates is very great in computer science. B: Bill Gates is famous. C: Bill Gates suppresses "need-blind" policy. D: Bill Gates has great ability to pay.

    Why Bill Gates' kids are going to get different treatment A: Bill Gates is very great in computer science. B: Bill Gates is famous. C: Bill Gates suppresses "need-blind" policy. D: Bill Gates has great ability to pay.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    通过SQL,将"Actor"表中"LastName"列的"Gates"改为"Wilson"正确的是()。 A: UPDATEActorSETLastName='Wilson'WHERELastName='Gates' B: UPDATEActorSETLastName='Wilson'INTOLastName='Gates' C: MODIFYActorSETLastName='Wilson'WHERELastName='Gates' D: MODIFYActorSETLastName='Wilson'INTOLastName='Gates'

    通过SQL,将"Actor"表中"LastName"列的"Gates"改为"Wilson"正确的是()。 A: UPDATEActorSETLastName='Wilson'WHERELastName='Gates' B: UPDATEActorSETLastName='Wilson'INTOLastName='Gates' C: MODIFYActorSETLastName='Wilson'WHERELastName='Gates' D: MODIFYActorSETLastName='Wilson'INTOLastName='Gates'

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the follow statements is NOT true? A: Bill Gates is an electronic entrepreneur. B: Bill Gates is one of the richest and most influential entrepreneurs in the world. C: Bill Gates set up Microsoft for charity. D: Bill Gates lives in a big house in Washington State.

    Which of the follow statements is NOT true? A: Bill Gates is an electronic entrepreneur. B: Bill Gates is one of the richest and most influential entrepreneurs in the world. C: Bill Gates set up Microsoft for charity. D: Bill Gates lives in a big house in Washington State.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    您如何把 "Persons" 表中 "LastName" 列的 "Gates" 改为 "Wilson" ? A: MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Wilson' WHERE LastName='Gates' B: UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Wilson' WHERE LastName='Gates' C: UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Wilson' INTO LastName='Gates' D: MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Wilson' INTO LastName='Gates'

    您如何把 "Persons" 表中 "LastName" 列的 "Gates" 改为 "Wilson" ? A: MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Wilson' WHERE LastName='Gates' B: UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Wilson' WHERE LastName='Gates' C: UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Wilson' INTO LastName='Gates' D: MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Wilson' INTO LastName='Gates'

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    Word中插入数学公式的方法是()。 A: "插入"→"形状"→"公式" B: "开发工具"→"公式" C: "插入"→"公式"→"插入新公式" D: "引用"→"插入"→"公式"

    Word中插入数学公式的方法是()。 A: "插入"→"形状"→"公式" B: "开发工具"→"公式" C: "插入"→"公式"→"插入新公式" D: "引用"→"插入"→"公式"

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    定义并初始化一个用于存放我们国家的四个直辖市的数组cityName,四个直辖市为:北京,上海,天津,重庆. 正确的是_________ A: String[] cityName=new String[4]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; B: String[] cityName=new String[]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; C: String[] cityName={"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; D: String cityName = new String[4] { "北京", "上海", "天津", "重庆" };

    定义并初始化一个用于存放我们国家的四个直辖市的数组cityName,四个直辖市为:北京,上海,天津,重庆. 正确的是_________ A: String[] cityName=new String[4]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; B: String[] cityName=new String[]{"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; C: String[] cityName={"北京","上海","天津","重庆"}; D: String cityName = new String[4] { "北京", "上海", "天津", "重庆" };

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Bill Gates has made a name for himself as one of the world’s top philanthropists with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.

    Bill Gates has made a name for himself as one of the world’s top philanthropists with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.

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