Up ______ into the air. A: went the arrow B: the arrow went C: did the arrow go D: does the arrow go
Up ______ into the air. A: went the arrow B: the arrow went C: did the arrow go D: does the arrow go
Achilles was killed by the arrow of ( ).
Achilles was killed by the arrow of ( ).
The leaden-dart arrow of Eros causes ( ) to others.
The leaden-dart arrow of Eros causes ( ) to others.
画出从点{-0.5,0.5}到{0,0}再到{0,0}的箭头图形<img src="http://edu-image.nosdn.127.net/52C9DC91C8FEAB4F1563B4058EFF318C.jpg?imageView&thumbnail=890x0&quality=100" />? Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0.75,0.75},{0,0}}]}]|Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{0,0},{-0.5,0.5},{0.75,0.75}}]}]|Graphics[{Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0,0},{0.75,0.75}}],Thick,Purple}]|Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0,0},{0.75,0.75}}]}]
画出从点{-0.5,0.5}到{0,0}再到{0,0}的箭头图形<img src="http://edu-image.nosdn.127.net/52C9DC91C8FEAB4F1563B4058EFF318C.jpg?imageView&thumbnail=890x0&quality=100" />? Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0.75,0.75},{0,0}}]}]|Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{0,0},{-0.5,0.5},{0.75,0.75}}]}]|Graphics[{Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0,0},{0.75,0.75}}],Thick,Purple}]|Graphics[{Thick,Purple,Arrow[{{-0.5,0.5},{0,0},{0.75,0.75}}]}]
Giant pandas ________ arrow bamboo twigs and leaves.
Giant pandas ________ arrow bamboo twigs and leaves.
Paris was killed by an arrow on his heel in the Trojan War.
Paris was killed by an arrow on his heel in the Trojan War.
Eros shot Apollo with the leaden arrow and Daphne with the golden one.
Eros shot Apollo with the leaden arrow and Daphne with the golden one.
Divide “arrow” into syllables: A: a-rrow B: ar-row C: arr-ow D: a-rr-ow
Divide “arrow” into syllables: A: a-rrow B: ar-row C: arr-ow D: a-rr-ow
It's easy to break one arrow, but five arrows tied together are hard to break.
It's easy to break one arrow, but five arrows tied together are hard to break.
____was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War. He was killed in the war by an arrow on his ____.
____was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War. He was killed in the war by an arrow on his ____.