• 2021-04-14
    It's easy to break one arrow, but five arrows tied together are hard to break.
  • 内容

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      The first two lines of Alfred Tennyson’s well-known poem “Break, Break, Break” read “Break, break, break,/ On thy cold gey stones. O Sea!” the repeated word “break” suggests A: grief B: fear C: fondness D: hatred

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      The images, such as ______ appeared in "Break, Break, Break".( ) A: fiserman's boy B: sailor lad C: ship D: sea

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      The first two lines of Alfred Tennyson's well-known poem "Break, Break, Break" read "Break, break, break, / oh, thy cold grey stones, O Sea!" The repeated word "break" suggests ____________. A: grief B: hatred C: fondness D: fear

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      1. Break, Break, Break is a (an) ____________ written in 1835 on the death of Tennyson's friend Arthur Hallam. A: epic B: sonnet C: paean D: elegy

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      According to the last two paragraphs, the author supports his point of view by __________. A: giving advice of taking a midday lunch break together B: reviewing the PC’s AD mentioned at the beginning to wrap up C: suggesting a lunch break solution of nudging colleagues eating together D: giving examples from two future-oriented high-tech companies to add validity