• 2022-06-04 问题

    Anumber of green building and arecurrently competing to provide definitive answer tothisquestion.

    Anumber of green building and arecurrently competing to provide definitive answer tothisquestion.

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    __________ students are planting trees on the hill. A: Agreat deal of B: Anumber of C: The number of D: Many a

    __________ students are planting trees on the hill. A: Agreat deal of B: Anumber of C: The number of D: Many a

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Anumber<em>n</em>isdecreasedby4.Thesquarerootoftheresultequals0.8.<em>n</em>= A: 23.04 B: 0.8 C: 0.64 D: 4.64 E: -3.36

    Anumber<em>n</em>isdecreasedby4.Thesquarerootoftheresultequals0.8.<em>n</em>= A: 23.04 B: 0.8 C: 0.64 D: 4.64 E: -3.36

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Your______,Please.(请______您的号牌。)(1)number……亮出(2)number……举高(3)anumber……出示 A: (1) B: (2) C: (3)

    Your______,Please.(请______您的号牌。)(1)number……亮出(2)number……举高(3)anumber……出示 A: (1) B: (2) C: (3)

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Your______,Please.(请______您的号牌。)(1)anumber……出示(2)number……亮出(3)number……举高 A: (1) B: (2) C: (3)

    Your______,Please.(请______您的号牌。)(1)anumber……出示(2)number……亮出(3)number……举高 A: (1) B: (2) C: (3)

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Anumber<em>a</em>increasedby20%ofaresultsinanumber<em>b</em>.When<em>b</em>isdecreasedby33(1/3)%of<em>b</em>,theresultis<em>c</em>.Thenumber<em>c</em>iswhatpercentof<em>a</em>? A: 40% B: 60% C: 80% D: 120% E: 150%

    Anumber<em>a</em>increasedby20%ofaresultsinanumber<em>b</em>.When<em>b</em>isdecreasedby33(1/3)%of<em>b</em>,theresultis<em>c</em>.Thenumber<em>c</em>iswhatpercentof<em>a</em>? A: 40% B: 60% C: 80% D: 120% E: 150%

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Directions: Based on the passage, decide whether the following statements true ( T ) or false ( F ).1. A patriarchal society refers to a society controlled by women. 2. It was first in New Zealand in 1893 that women earned the right to be elected. 3. The reason why US women started working in factories during the Second World War is that millionsof men were fighting in the domestic battlefieldandthere were fewer people to work in factories. 4. Anumber of theorists like Germaine Greer and Simone de Beauvoir were interested in the removal of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. 5. Those people mentioned in the last paragraph have something in common, namely, they are all female heads of the government in theircountries.

    Directions: Based on the passage, decide whether the following statements true ( T ) or false ( F ).1. A patriarchal society refers to a society controlled by women. 2. It was first in New Zealand in 1893 that women earned the right to be elected. 3. The reason why US women started working in factories during the Second World War is that millionsof men were fighting in the domestic battlefieldandthere were fewer people to work in factories. 4. Anumber of theorists like Germaine Greer and Simone de Beauvoir were interested in the removal of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. 5. Those people mentioned in the last paragraph have something in common, namely, they are all female heads of the government in theircountries.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Most organizations are simultaneously members of a number of supply chains. An organization in a chain purchases materials and services from anumber of suppliers, and convertsthem into a range of products that they sell to other organizations. Successful companies use their logistics competence to optimize their operations in managing the materials flow through their companies. But it will no longer be necessary or desirable for each supply chain member organization to only manage its logistics activities on an independent basis. However it is most unlikely for any one company that all the supply chains in the diagram will require formalized supply chain management processes. It is a requirement for thatorganization to focus its supply chain efforts on those networks that are critical to the success of the company.Questions:1.Most organizations are members of a number of supply chains. A: seldom B: sometimes C: simultaneously D: asynchronous

    Most organizations are simultaneously members of a number of supply chains. An organization in a chain purchases materials and services from anumber of suppliers, and convertsthem into a range of products that they sell to other organizations. Successful companies use their logistics competence to optimize their operations in managing the materials flow through their companies. But it will no longer be necessary or desirable for each supply chain member organization to only manage its logistics activities on an independent basis. However it is most unlikely for any one company that all the supply chains in the diagram will require formalized supply chain management processes. It is a requirement for thatorganization to focus its supply chain efforts on those networks that are critical to the success of the company.Questions:1.Most organizations are members of a number of supply chains. A: seldom B: sometimes C: simultaneously D: asynchronous

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are requiredto select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bankfollowing the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making yourchoices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Fill in each blank with aletter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Born in Yorkshire, England, Sir Cyril Taylor is the founder and Chairman of AIFS.His long and distinguished career in public 1_____ and education includes many accomplishments. After graduating from Harvard, Sir Cyril accepted a position in brandmanagement with Procter &amp; Gamble at the company's headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.During his time with P&amp;G, he developed an idea for a(n) 2_____new business. In 1964,he left the3_____ and security of his corporate job at P&amp;G to 4_____ the AmericanInstitute for Foreign Study. More than 40 years later, AIFS has global offices in fivecountries and annual revenues in 5_____ of $180 million. Today, Sir Cyril continuesto serve as Chairman of AIFS. Since 1987, Sir Cyril has served as Chairman of theSpecialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT). He has also acted in a(n) 6_____ andunpaid capacity as Advisor on specialist schools to ten 7_____ Secretaries of State forEducation. Over the years, Sir Cyril has8_____ active in public service and received anumber of9_____ for his work. From 1977 to 1986, he served on the Greater London Council and during this time was elected deputy leader. In 1989, he was awardeda knighthood in10_____ of his service in education and in 2003 he was given theappointment of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE).请将以下单词所对应的字母填入横线上(注意:只填字母)A) excessB) foundC) scholarshipD) innovativeE) recognitionF) successiveG) voluntaryH) publishI) keptJ) serviceK) honorsL) remainedM) comfortN) securitiesO) continuous

    Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are requiredto select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bankfollowing the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making yourchoices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Fill in each blank with aletter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Born in Yorkshire, England, Sir Cyril Taylor is the founder and Chairman of AIFS.His long and distinguished career in public 1_____ and education includes many accomplishments. After graduating from Harvard, Sir Cyril accepted a position in brandmanagement with Procter &amp; Gamble at the company's headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.During his time with P&amp;G, he developed an idea for a(n) 2_____new business. In 1964,he left the3_____ and security of his corporate job at P&amp;G to 4_____ the AmericanInstitute for Foreign Study. More than 40 years later, AIFS has global offices in fivecountries and annual revenues in 5_____ of $180 million. Today, Sir Cyril continuesto serve as Chairman of AIFS. Since 1987, Sir Cyril has served as Chairman of theSpecialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT). He has also acted in a(n) 6_____ andunpaid capacity as Advisor on specialist schools to ten 7_____ Secretaries of State forEducation. Over the years, Sir Cyril has8_____ active in public service and received anumber of9_____ for his work. From 1977 to 1986, he served on the Greater London Council and during this time was elected deputy leader. In 1989, he was awardeda knighthood in10_____ of his service in education and in 2003 he was given theappointment of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE).请将以下单词所对应的字母填入横线上(注意:只填字母)A) excessB) foundC) scholarshipD) innovativeE) recognitionF) successiveG) voluntaryH) publishI) keptJ) serviceK) honorsL) remainedM) comfortN) securitiesO) continuous

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Write one summary according to what you have learned this week: [br][/br] You may want to offer help if your friend falls into depression(抑郁). Depression is a complex emotional illness and it is necssary to do adequate(充足) research about the illness. You may access anumber of resources to gain a deep understanding of this emotional condition. You can also find books or magazines in the library. If you still have some questions, you can see a doctor. In the end, you should havea good idea of what is affecting your friend. People with depression are often very afraid of talking to someone except their doctors. They can easily be ashamed of their condition and consequently they try to hide it. You shouldn’t be surprised if a depressed friend won’t open up to you. However , when he or she does , you should let the words flow. Don’t be judgemental and never interrupt! Listening is not an easy skill, as it’s likely that you can’t help voicing your opinion. If your friend shows likely signs of depression, such as the feeling of worthlessness, a lack of interest in daily activities and uncontrolled crying, you should contact a doctor, scheduel an appointment andaccompany him or her on the first visit. If he or she refuses, let several days go by before making another suggestion. You should be able to identify moments when he or she seems to have better moods. These moments could be the right time to ask him or her to see the doctor. Over time, your friend begins to cooperate and see the doctor. At last, as a caregiver, you also need someone to talk to and perhaps you may join a support group so you can meet other caregivers. You shouldn’t sacrifice your own physical and mental condition when helping people with depression. There are cases when caregivers become depressed. If it happens, there is no shame in seeing a doctor yourself. (320 words)

    Write one summary according to what you have learned this week: [br][/br] You may want to offer help if your friend falls into depression(抑郁). Depression is a complex emotional illness and it is necssary to do adequate(充足) research about the illness. You may access anumber of resources to gain a deep understanding of this emotional condition. You can also find books or magazines in the library. If you still have some questions, you can see a doctor. In the end, you should havea good idea of what is affecting your friend. People with depression are often very afraid of talking to someone except their doctors. They can easily be ashamed of their condition and consequently they try to hide it. You shouldn’t be surprised if a depressed friend won’t open up to you. However , when he or she does , you should let the words flow. Don’t be judgemental and never interrupt! Listening is not an easy skill, as it’s likely that you can’t help voicing your opinion. If your friend shows likely signs of depression, such as the feeling of worthlessness, a lack of interest in daily activities and uncontrolled crying, you should contact a doctor, scheduel an appointment andaccompany him or her on the first visit. If he or she refuses, let several days go by before making another suggestion. You should be able to identify moments when he or she seems to have better moods. These moments could be the right time to ask him or her to see the doctor. Over time, your friend begins to cooperate and see the doctor. At last, as a caregiver, you also need someone to talk to and perhaps you may join a support group so you can meet other caregivers. You shouldn’t sacrifice your own physical and mental condition when helping people with depression. There are cases when caregivers become depressed. If it happens, there is no shame in seeing a doctor yourself. (320 words)

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