which is not the common cause of leukocoria in children A: melanoma B: Cataract C: Coats disease D: Persistent fetal vasculature
which is not the common cause of leukocoria in children A: melanoma B: Cataract C: Coats disease D: Persistent fetal vasculature
OnaWindowsscreen,therewill<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">rolldown</span>manymorebuttonswhenyouhitthe“tools”button. A: cast B: caste C: cascade D: cataract
OnaWindowsscreen,therewill<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;">rolldown</span>manymorebuttonswhenyouhitthe“tools”button. A: cast B: caste C: cascade D: cataract
If the abnormality in the visual acuity is improved with pinhole test then most likely cause of decrease visual acuity is A: cataract B: Glaucoma C: Corneal opacity D: refractive error E: all of the above
If the abnormality in the visual acuity is improved with pinhole test then most likely cause of decrease visual acuity is A: cataract B: Glaucoma C: Corneal opacity D: refractive error E: all of the above