• 2022-06-03 问题

    Ourbestoffer,at$300,is$95______therecommendedshopprice,whichis$395.() A: lessas B: morethan C: sothat D: lessthan

    Ourbestoffer,at$300,is$95______therecommendedshopprice,whichis$395.() A: lessas B: morethan C: sothat D: lessthan

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Translate the following Chinese sentence into English[br][/br] 冬天:能穿多少穿多少;夏天:能穿多少穿多少。 A: Dress as lessas you have in winter and as muchas you could in summer. B: Dress as much as you have in winter and as less as you could in summer.

    Translate the following Chinese sentence into English[br][/br] 冬天:能穿多少穿多少;夏天:能穿多少穿多少。 A: Dress as lessas you have in winter and as muchas you could in summer. B: Dress as much as you have in winter and as less as you could in summer.

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