中国大学MOOC: 华佗发明了麻沸散。()Hua Tuo invented the anesthetic Mafeisan.()
中国大学MOOC: 华佗发明了麻沸散。()Hua Tuo invented the anesthetic Mafeisan.()
_______ has not contributed to the origin of TCM. A: Fu Hsi B: Shen Nung C: Hua Tuo D: Huang Ti
_______ has not contributed to the origin of TCM. A: Fu Hsi B: Shen Nung C: Hua Tuo D: Huang Ti
Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He created the Five-animal Exercises, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds.
Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He created the Five-animal Exercises, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds.
三国时为关羽刮骨疗毒的神医是( )。 A: Hua Tuo B: Dong Feng C: Ji Ping D: Zhang Zhongjing
三国时为关羽刮骨疗毒的神医是( )。 A: Hua Tuo B: Dong Feng C: Ji Ping D: Zhang Zhongjing
Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He created the Five-animal Exercises, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds.( ) A: 正确 B: 错误
Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He created the Five-animal Exercises, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds.( ) A: 正确 B: 错误
下列各组词语中加点字的字音,全都正确的一组是——. A: 一 绺 (liu) 凤冠霞 帔 (pei) 宁 谧 (mi) 两山对 峙 (chi) B: 炽 (zhi)热 游目 骋 (cheng)怀 崔 嵬 (wei) 忍俊不 禁 (jin) C: 菲 (fei)薄 落 拓 (tuo)不羁 轻 颦 (pin) 桀 骜 (ao)锋利 D: 温 馨 (xin) 冠 冕 (mian)堂皇 隽 (juan)永 埋 (mai)怨不已
下列各组词语中加点字的字音,全都正确的一组是——. A: 一 绺 (liu) 凤冠霞 帔 (pei) 宁 谧 (mi) 两山对 峙 (chi) B: 炽 (zhi)热 游目 骋 (cheng)怀 崔 嵬 (wei) 忍俊不 禁 (jin) C: 菲 (fei)薄 落 拓 (tuo)不羁 轻 颦 (pin) 桀 骜 (ao)锋利 D: 温 馨 (xin) 冠 冕 (mian)堂皇 隽 (juan)永 埋 (mai)怨不已