下面哪个函数适合矢量数据集的绘制: A: Contour3d B: Quiver3d C: Mesh D: PLot3d
下面哪个函数适合矢量数据集的绘制: A: Contour3d B: Quiver3d C: Mesh D: PLot3d
对应MATLAB提供的绘制平面曲线、离散序列、三维曲线、三维网格曲线、等高线图的函数为() A: plot,stem,mesh,plot3,surf B: plot,stem,plot3,mesh,contour C: plot,hist,mesh,plot3,contour D: plot,hist,plot3,meshc,contour
对应MATLAB提供的绘制平面曲线、离散序列、三维曲线、三维网格曲线、等高线图的函数为() A: plot,stem,mesh,plot3,surf B: plot,stem,plot3,mesh,contour C: plot,hist,mesh,plot3,contour D: plot,hist,plot3,meshc,contour
对应MATLAB提供的绘制平面曲线、杆图、三维曲线、三维网格曲线、等高线图的函数为 A: plot, fill, mesh, plot3, contour B: plot, stem, mesh, plot3, surf C: plot, stairs, plot3, meshc, contour D: plot, stem, plot3, mesh, contour
对应MATLAB提供的绘制平面曲线、杆图、三维曲线、三维网格曲线、等高线图的函数为 A: plot, fill, mesh, plot3, contour B: plot, stem, mesh, plot3, surf C: plot, stairs, plot3, meshc, contour D: plot, stem, plot3, mesh, contour
The contour lines on the plane are the lines parallel to the H-plane in the plane.
The contour lines on the plane are the lines parallel to the H-plane in the plane.
专业英语单词翻译:负载 A: payload B: negative C: contour D: path
专业英语单词翻译:负载 A: payload B: negative C: contour D: path
以下命令用于绘制等高线图的是? A: contour B: compass C: feather D: stem
以下命令用于绘制等高线图的是? A: contour B: compass C: feather D: stem
下列函数,哪些会产生三维图形? A: plot3 B: meshgrid C: mesh D: contour
下列函数,哪些会产生三维图形? A: plot3 B: meshgrid C: mesh D: contour
Which one is not a kind of mathematical features of the map? A: map projection B: vegetation C: contour line D: scale
Which one is not a kind of mathematical features of the map? A: map projection B: vegetation C: contour line D: scale
以下函数能绘制三维图形的有 A: plot3 B: surf C: mesh D: contour
以下函数能绘制三维图形的有 A: plot3 B: surf C: mesh D: contour
( ):以下那个函数不是R绘制3D图形函数 A: persp ( ) B: contour ( ) C: image ( ) D: 3Dplot ( )
( ):以下那个函数不是R绘制3D图形函数 A: persp ( ) B: contour ( ) C: image ( ) D: 3Dplot ( )