• 2022-06-18 问题

    A. Match each suffix with its appropriate meaning.____ -ward(s): homewards, backwards____-ish: childish, foolish____-able: comfortable, miserable____-y: hairy, rainy____-ify: purify, simplify____-aholic, -holic: alcoholic, workaholic____-cide, -icide: suicide, insecticede____-let: booklet, piglet____-free: carefree, tax-free____-proof: water-proof, bullet-proofMeaninga. killer, killingb. without somethingc. to protect people or things against somethingd. a small kind of somethinge. typical of or like a particular type of personf. full of or covered with somethingg. having a particular quality or conditionh. towards a particular direction or placei. to affect something in a particular wayj. someone who cannot stop doing something or using something

    A. Match each suffix with its appropriate meaning.____ -ward(s): homewards, backwards____-ish: childish, foolish____-able: comfortable, miserable____-y: hairy, rainy____-ify: purify, simplify____-aholic, -holic: alcoholic, workaholic____-cide, -icide: suicide, insecticede____-let: booklet, piglet____-free: carefree, tax-free____-proof: water-proof, bullet-proofMeaninga. killer, killingb. without somethingc. to protect people or things against somethingd. a small kind of somethinge. typical of or like a particular type of personf. full of or covered with somethingg. having a particular quality or conditionh. towards a particular direction or placei. to affect something in a particular wayj. someone who cannot stop doing something or using something

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