• 2022-05-31 问题

    Which of the following hormone can transform the endometrium from proliferative phase to the secretory phase? A: Estrogen B: Progesterone C: Androgen D: Gonadotropin E: HCG

    Which of the following hormone can transform the endometrium from proliferative phase to the secretory phase? A: Estrogen B: Progesterone C: Androgen D: Gonadotropin E: HCG

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    relating to or composed of endometrium A: prolong B: conflict C: prostate D: inflammation E: sedentary F: endometrial G: colon H: H. minimum I: I. insulin J: J. ovarian

    relating to or composed of endometrium A: prolong B: conflict C: prostate D: inflammation E: sedentary F: endometrial G: colon H: H. minimum I: I. insulin J: J. ovarian

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Which are essential condition of Implantation? A: The disappear of zona pellucida B: Syncytiotrophoblast is derived from the cytotrophoblast C: The synchronized development of blastocyst and endometrium and function in coordination. D: The pregnant women can produce enough progesterone E: The pregnant women can produce enough estrogen

    Which are essential condition of Implantation? A: The disappear of zona pellucida B: Syncytiotrophoblast is derived from the cytotrophoblast C: The synchronized development of blastocyst and endometrium and function in coordination. D: The pregnant women can produce enough progesterone E: The pregnant women can produce enough estrogen

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What does endometrium refer to? A: a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females B: an egg, especially one <br/>that develops inside the<br/>mother’s body C: the organ in the female<br/>body that produce eggs D: the mucous membrane that <br/>lines the uterus

    What does endometrium refer to? A: a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females B: an egg, especially one <br/>that develops inside the<br/>mother’s body C: the organ in the female<br/>body that produce eggs D: the mucous membrane that <br/>lines the uterus

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