• 2021-04-14 问题

    The Romantic Age of English literature began in 1798 with the publication of ______.

    The Romantic Age of English literature began in 1798 with the publication of ______.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The joint publication of ( ) in 1798 by Wordsworth and Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic movement in England.

    The joint publication of ( ) in 1798 by Wordsworth and Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic movement in England.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    科学心理学诞生于哪一年? A: 1879 B: 1789 C: 1898 D: 1798

    科学心理学诞生于哪一年? A: 1879 B: 1789 C: 1898 D: 1798

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 and ended with the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.

    The Romantic Age began with the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 and ended with the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    博览会这一名词出现在( )年 A: 1851 B: 1756 C: 1798 D: 以上都不是

    博览会这一名词出现在( )年 A: 1851 B: 1756 C: 1798 D: 以上都不是

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    In<br/>what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads. <br/>() A: 1798 B: 1800 C: 1802

    In<br/>what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads. <br/>() A: 1798 B: 1800 C: 1802

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    中国近代意义上的大学体系确立是在()年。 A: 1798 B: 1856 C: 1898 D: 1900

    中国近代意义上的大学体系确立是在()年。 A: 1798 B: 1856 C: 1898 D: 1900

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    心理学作为一门独立的学科诞生于()年。 A: 1879 B: 1897 C: 1789 D: 1798

    心理学作为一门独立的学科诞生于()年。 A: 1879 B: 1897 C: 1789 D: 1798

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    The Romantic period began in 1798 with the publication of Lyrical Ballads which was writen by ______ A: Wordsworth B: Johnson C: Coleridge D: Shelley

    The Romantic period began in 1798 with the publication of Lyrical Ballads which was writen by ______ A: Wordsworth B: Johnson C: Coleridge D: Shelley

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    British Romanticism arose ___________. A: A. in the 18thcentury B: B. from 1798 to1832 C: C. In the 19thCentury D: D. in the17thCentury

    British Romanticism arose ___________. A: A. in the 18thcentury B: B. from 1798 to1832 C: C. In the 19thCentury D: D. in the17thCentury

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