• 2022-05-31 问题

    It is very important for students to understand and____ new information.

    It is very important for students to understand and____ new information.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    奶油和奶酪是两种不同的食品。 ____and____ are different.

    奶油和奶酪是两种不同的食品。 ____and____ are different.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and____ around,but she ___ nothing.

    There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and____ around,but she ___ nothing.

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    After several days of rescue in Haiti, these doctors become tired and____(sleep).

    After several days of rescue in Haiti, these doctors become tired and____(sleep).

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Henry was away from home for quite a bit and____ saw his family.

    Henry was away from home for quite a bit and____ saw his family.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    The set-up, development, and____ of the plot follows a predictable pattern,which gives readers a feeling of pleasure and comfort.

    The set-up, development, and____ of the plot follows a predictable pattern,which gives readers a feeling of pleasure and comfort.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    W:And____?M:Thatwouldbe,letmesee...£245includinglabor. A: howmuchhasthatcost B: howmuchdoesthatspend C: howmuchmoneyitcosts D: howmuchwouldthatcost

    W:And____?M:Thatwouldbe,letmesee...£245includinglabor. A: howmuchhasthatcost B: howmuchdoesthatspend C: howmuchmoneyitcosts D: howmuchwouldthatcost

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    If a specific game is relevant or helpful to develop certain knowledge or ability,and then decide when and____ to use it and how to use it.

    If a specific game is relevant or helpful to develop certain knowledge or ability,and then decide when and____ to use it and how to use it.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    We stopped for a coffee break and____ working fifteen minutes later. A: esumed B: consumed C: presumed D: assumed

    We stopped for a coffee break and____ working fifteen minutes later. A: esumed B: consumed C: presumed D: assumed

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Fillinthefollowingblankswiththewordsgivenbelow.Changetheformswherenecessary. 请在空格处填写表格中单词的序号a,b,c... a.relax b.time c.feelinglove d.Breathing e.beingconscious f.BreathCeremony g.daunting h.energy i.unconscious j.eight Manypeoplefeel_____(1)______aboutyoga,becauseitwillcostalotoftime.Butitisagoodwaytostretchand_____(2)_____.Afiveminutesyoga,whichIcall____(3)_____isagoodoption. _____(4)_____isnecessaryinourlife,anditiscontrolledbyourbrainandbody.Don’tsaythatyoudon’thave____(5)____and____(6)____.Fiveminutesineachmorningisenough.Followingthe____(7)¬¬¬_____steps,youwillfinditbecomeseasierandeasier.Thisphysiologicalactionwillturn____(8)_____breathingtoconsciousbreathingandfinallywewillfindthatwereturnto____(9)____and____(10)_____.

    Fillinthefollowingblankswiththewordsgivenbelow.Changetheformswherenecessary. 请在空格处填写表格中单词的序号a,b,c... a.relax b.time c.feelinglove d.Breathing e.beingconscious f.BreathCeremony g.daunting h.energy i.unconscious j.eight Manypeoplefeel_____(1)______aboutyoga,becauseitwillcostalotoftime.Butitisagoodwaytostretchand_____(2)_____.Afiveminutesyoga,whichIcall____(3)_____isagoodoption. _____(4)_____isnecessaryinourlife,anditiscontrolledbyourbrainandbody.Don’tsaythatyoudon’thave____(5)____and____(6)____.Fiveminutesineachmorningisenough.Followingthe____(7)¬¬¬_____steps,youwillfinditbecomeseasierandeasier.Thisphysiologicalactionwillturn____(8)_____breathingtoconsciousbreathingandfinallywewillfindthatwereturnto____(9)____and____(10)_____.

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