With CNC machining, ___________(三维的)cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set of prompts.
With CNC machining, ___________(三维的)cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set of prompts.
In classroom situation, it is very difficult to find a real need and a real purpose for genuine communication among the students. It is using_____. A: information sheet as prompts B: chained phrases for story telling C: created situations D: mimes or gestures as prompts
In classroom situation, it is very difficult to find a real need and a real purpose for genuine communication among the students. It is using_____. A: information sheet as prompts B: chained phrases for story telling C: created situations D: mimes or gestures as prompts
"Should university campuses be open access to the public? " All of the following prompts will help you to answer the issue EXCEPT...?
"Should university campuses be open access to the public? " All of the following prompts will help you to answer the issue EXCEPT...?
I can appreciate the______ that prompts you to make this offer. A: magnet B: intellect C: motion D: motive
I can appreciate the______ that prompts you to make this offer. A: magnet B: intellect C: motion D: motive
Work in pairs and tell your partner what you like doing in your free time and what you’re going to do this weekend. Use the prompts to help.
Work in pairs and tell your partner what you like doing in your free time and what you’re going to do this weekend. Use the prompts to help.
What disturbance prompts the Prince to threaten the feuding Capulets and Montagues A: The servants of the feuding families engage in a brawl. B: Romeo sneaking around the Capulet orchard C: The killing of Lord Montague's nephew D: The theft of land from the Montagues
What disturbance prompts the Prince to threaten the feuding Capulets and Montagues A: The servants of the feuding families engage in a brawl. B: Romeo sneaking around the Capulet orchard C: The killing of Lord Montague's nephew D: The theft of land from the Montagues
Which ways are beneficial for your creative writing when you already have had ideas? A: Write them down immediately. B: Review your own writing and rewrite part of it. C: Lie down in a sofa without thinking and writing. D: Combine creativity with sense, prompts, memory, etc.
Which ways are beneficial for your creative writing when you already have had ideas? A: Write them down immediately. B: Review your own writing and rewrite part of it. C: Lie down in a sofa without thinking and writing. D: Combine creativity with sense, prompts, memory, etc.
An ethnocentric attitude ________. A: is the view that employees in the host country know the best work approaches and practices B: is the belief that the home country has the best work approaches and practices C: gives a manager a much broader understanding of what it takes to manage in a global environment D: prompts managers to have a global view and look for the best approaches and people regardless of origin.
An ethnocentric attitude ________. A: is the view that employees in the host country know the best work approaches and practices B: is the belief that the home country has the best work approaches and practices C: gives a manager a much broader understanding of what it takes to manage in a global environment D: prompts managers to have a global view and look for the best approaches and people regardless of origin.
What does the passage mainly discuss? PASSAGE PASSAGE PASSAGE LinkedIn announced a new standalone "LinkedIn Students" app, aimed at helping soon-to-be college graduates search for jobs that could relieve some of the major stress students can face hunting for their first job out of college. To join the app, students share their college, major and graduation date. If they don't already have a LinkedIn profile, they'll be asked to make one. The app's design resembles swiping(刷卡) through a deck of cards. The first card shows users a role they might like with accompanying information such as a job description, skills needed for the role, its median salary, related job openings and similar positions a student might find interesting. Cards then show recommended companies and alumni(校友) students should consider contacting, typically professionals who have graduated within the last five years. The format breaks up content into bite-sized pieces to make it easy to start and stop sessions on-the-go, for example during a commute or when the user has a few spare minutes. LinkedIn first piloted the apps at San Jose State University and the University of Central Florida. In tests, the format helped make job searching feel less stressful, the company said. Tests also showed that students preferred the professional feel of the current app to more Snapchat-like designs that were considered earlier. College career centers around the country can share job postings and career-related events with LinkedIn to appear in the app, viewable to their specific student body. The app serves up work-related content and videos, for example, articles about interviewing or negotiating a salary. It also features a small number of career-related sponsored posts by JP Morgan in an "Extra Credit" tab(标签), which prompts students to fill out a more detailed profile. A star button on each card, whether for an article, person, role or company, gives students a way to indicate their preferences and get better recommendations. The app launched in English on iOS and Android in the U.S. on Monday and should become available in more countries over time.
What does the passage mainly discuss? PASSAGE PASSAGE PASSAGE LinkedIn announced a new standalone "LinkedIn Students" app, aimed at helping soon-to-be college graduates search for jobs that could relieve some of the major stress students can face hunting for their first job out of college. To join the app, students share their college, major and graduation date. If they don't already have a LinkedIn profile, they'll be asked to make one. The app's design resembles swiping(刷卡) through a deck of cards. The first card shows users a role they might like with accompanying information such as a job description, skills needed for the role, its median salary, related job openings and similar positions a student might find interesting. Cards then show recommended companies and alumni(校友) students should consider contacting, typically professionals who have graduated within the last five years. The format breaks up content into bite-sized pieces to make it easy to start and stop sessions on-the-go, for example during a commute or when the user has a few spare minutes. LinkedIn first piloted the apps at San Jose State University and the University of Central Florida. In tests, the format helped make job searching feel less stressful, the company said. Tests also showed that students preferred the professional feel of the current app to more Snapchat-like designs that were considered earlier. College career centers around the country can share job postings and career-related events with LinkedIn to appear in the app, viewable to their specific student body. The app serves up work-related content and videos, for example, articles about interviewing or negotiating a salary. It also features a small number of career-related sponsored posts by JP Morgan in an "Extra Credit" tab(标签), which prompts students to fill out a more detailed profile. A star button on each card, whether for an article, person, role or company, gives students a way to indicate their preferences and get better recommendations. The app launched in English on iOS and Android in the U.S. on Monday and should become available in more countries over time.
快速阅读(将题号对应段落的大写字母填到答案处)The Secret to Raising Smart KidsA) I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation--and how people persevere aftersetbacks--as a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s. Animal experiments bypsychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeated failures, most animalsconclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control. After such an experience an animaloften remains passive even when it can effect change--a state they called learned helplessness.B) People can learn to be helpless, too. Why do some students give up when they encounter difficulty,whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn? One answer, I soondiscovered, lay in people's beliefs about why they had failed.C) In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than doesthe belief that lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children who displayedhelpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes in math, they learned to keep tryingwhen the problems got tough. Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded fortheir success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve hard math problems. Theseexperiments indicated that a focus on effort can help resolve helplessness and generate success.D) Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners--helplessversus mastery-oriented. I realized these different types of students not only explain their failuresdifferently, but they also hold different “theories” of intelligence.The helpless ones believeintelligence is a fixed characteristic: you have only a certain amount, and that’s that. I call this a“fixed mind-set (思维模式).”Mistakes crack their self-confidence because they attribute errors toa lack of ability, which they feel powerless to change. They avoid challenges because challengesmake mistakes more likely. The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence isnot fixed and can be developed through education and hard work. Such children believe challengesare energizing rather than intimidating (令人生畏); they offer opportunities to learn. Studentswith such a growth mind-set were destined (注定) for greater academic success and were quitelikely to outperform their counterparts.E) We validated these expectations in a study in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373studentsfor two years during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficultand the grading more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affect their math grades. At thebeginning of seventhgrade, we assessed the students’ mind-sets by asking them to agree or disagreewith statements such as “Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't reallychange.”We then assessed their beliefsabout other aspects of learning and looked tosee whathappened to their grades.F) As predicted, the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal thangetting good grades. In addition, they held hard work in high regard. They understood that evengeniuses have to work hard. Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, studentswith a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy. The students whoheld a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning.They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard was a sign of low ability.They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well.Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability, those with a fixed mind-set said that they wouldstudy less in the future, try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.G) Such different outlooks had a dramatic impact on performance. At the start of junior high, the mathachievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those ofstudents who displayed a fixed mind-set. But as the work became more difficult, the students witha growth mind-set showed greater persistence. As a result, their math grades overtook those of theother students by the end of the first semester--and the gap between the two groups continued towiden during the two years we followed them.H) A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress in the workplace and discourage orignore constructive criticism and advice. Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-setare less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growthmind-set.I)How do we transmit a growth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories aboutachievements that result from hard work. For instance, talking about mathematical geniuses whowere more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set, but descriptions of greatmathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set.J)In addition, parents and teachers can help children by providing explicit instruction regarding themind as a learning machine. I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whose mathgrades were declining in their first year of junior high.Forty-eight of the students receivedinstruction in study skills only, whereas the others attended a combination of study skills sessionsand classes in which they learned about the growth mind-set and how to apply it to schoolwork. Inthe growth mind-set classes, students read and discussed an article entitled “You Can Grow YourBrain.”They were taught that the brain is like a muscle that gets stronger with use and thatlearning prompts the brain to grow new connections. From such instruction, many students beganto see themselves as agents of their own brain development. Despite being unaware that there weretwo types of instruction, teachers reported significant motivational changes in 27% of the childrenin the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9% of students in the control group.K) Research is converging (汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius istypically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from agift.1. The author’s experiment shows that students with a fixed mind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.2. Focusing on effort is effective in helping children overcome frustration and achieve success.3.We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.4. Students’ belief about the cause of their failure explains their attitude toward setbacks.5. In the author’s experiment, students with a growth mind-set showed greater perseverance in solving difficult math problems.6. The author conducted an experiment to find out about the influence of students’ mind-sets on math learning.7. After failing again and again, most animals give up hope.8. Informing students about the brain as a learning machine is a good strategy to enhance their motivation for learning.9. People with a fixed mind-set believe that one’s intelligence is unchangeable.10. In the workplace, feedback may not be so welcome to managers with a fixed mind-set.
快速阅读(将题号对应段落的大写字母填到答案处)The Secret to Raising Smart KidsA) I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation--and how people persevere aftersetbacks--as a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s. Animal experiments bypsychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeated failures, most animalsconclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control. After such an experience an animaloften remains passive even when it can effect change--a state they called learned helplessness.B) People can learn to be helpless, too. Why do some students give up when they encounter difficulty,whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn? One answer, I soondiscovered, lay in people's beliefs about why they had failed.C) In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than doesthe belief that lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children who displayedhelpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes in math, they learned to keep tryingwhen the problems got tough. Another group of helpless children who were simply rewarded fortheir success on easier problems did not improve their ability to solve hard math problems. Theseexperiments indicated that a focus on effort can help resolve helplessness and generate success.D) Later, I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners--helplessversus mastery-oriented. I realized these different types of students not only explain their failuresdifferently, but they also hold different “theories” of intelligence.The helpless ones believeintelligence is a fixed characteristic: you have only a certain amount, and that’s that. I call this a“fixed mind-set (思维模式).”Mistakes crack their self-confidence because they attribute errors toa lack of ability, which they feel powerless to change. They avoid challenges because challengesmake mistakes more likely. The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence isnot fixed and can be developed through education and hard work. Such children believe challengesare energizing rather than intimidating (令人生畏); they offer opportunities to learn. Studentswith such a growth mind-set were destined (注定) for greater academic success and were quitelikely to outperform their counterparts.E) We validated these expectations in a study in which two other psychologists and I monitored 373studentsfor two years during the transition to junior high school, when the work gets more difficultand the grading more strict, to determine how their mind-sets might affect their math grades. At thebeginning of seventhgrade, we assessed the students’ mind-sets by asking them to agree or disagreewith statements such as “Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't reallychange.”We then assessed their beliefsabout other aspects of learning and looked tosee whathappened to their grades.F) As predicted, the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal thangetting good grades. In addition, they held hard work in high regard. They understood that evengeniuses have to work hard. Confronted by a setback such as a disappointing test grade, studentswith a growth mind-set said they would study harder or try a different strategy. The students whoheld a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning.They had negative views of effort, believing that having to work hard was a sign of low ability.They thought that a person with talent or intelligence did not need to work hard to do well.Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability, those with a fixed mind-set said that they wouldstudy less in the future, try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests.G) Such different outlooks had a dramatic impact on performance. At the start of junior high, the mathachievement test scores of the students with a growth mind-set were comparable to those ofstudents who displayed a fixed mind-set. But as the work became more difficult, the students witha growth mind-set showed greater persistence. As a result, their math grades overtook those of theother students by the end of the first semester--and the gap between the two groups continued towiden during the two years we followed them.H) A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication and progress in the workplace and discourage orignore constructive criticism and advice. Research shows that managers who have a fixed mind-setare less likely to seek or welcome feedback from their employees than are managers with a growthmind-set.I)How do we transmit a growth mind-set to our children? One way is by telling stories aboutachievements that result from hard work. For instance, talking about mathematical geniuses whowere more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set, but descriptions of greatmathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set.J)In addition, parents and teachers can help children by providing explicit instruction regarding themind as a learning machine. I designed an eight-session workshop for 91 students whose mathgrades were declining in their first year of junior high.Forty-eight of the students receivedinstruction in study skills only, whereas the others attended a combination of study skills sessionsand classes in which they learned about the growth mind-set and how to apply it to schoolwork. Inthe growth mind-set classes, students read and discussed an article entitled “You Can Grow YourBrain.”They were taught that the brain is like a muscle that gets stronger with use and thatlearning prompts the brain to grow new connections. From such instruction, many students beganto see themselves as agents of their own brain development. Despite being unaware that there weretwo types of instruction, teachers reported significant motivational changes in 27% of the childrenin the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9% of students in the control group.K) Research is converging (汇聚) on the conclusion that great accomplishment and even genius istypically the result of years of passion and dedication and not something that flows naturally from agift.1. The author’s experiment shows that students with a fixed mind-set believe having to work hard is an indication of low ability.2. Focusing on effort is effective in helping children overcome frustration and achieve success.3.We can cultivate a growth mind-set in children by telling success stories that emphasize hard work and love of learning.4. Students’ belief about the cause of their failure explains their attitude toward setbacks.5. In the author’s experiment, students with a growth mind-set showed greater perseverance in solving difficult math problems.6. The author conducted an experiment to find out about the influence of students’ mind-sets on math learning.7. After failing again and again, most animals give up hope.8. Informing students about the brain as a learning machine is a good strategy to enhance their motivation for learning.9. People with a fixed mind-set believe that one’s intelligence is unchangeable.10. In the workplace, feedback may not be so welcome to managers with a fixed mind-set.