• 2021-04-14 问题

    A: Doctor, I have a stomachache. B: You should .

    A: Doctor, I have a stomachache. B: You should .

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Doctor: What’s the ___________? Patient: I have got a stomachache.

    Doctor: What’s the ___________? Patient: I have got a stomachache.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    A glass of boiled water is a good__________ for a stomachache .

    A glass of boiled water is a good__________ for a stomachache .

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    _________is an inflammatory condition of the lung — affecting primarily the alveoli. A: Stomachache B: Pneumonia C: Meningitis D: Insomnia

    _________is an inflammatory condition of the lung — affecting primarily the alveoli. A: Stomachache B: Pneumonia C: Meningitis D: Insomnia

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    下列哪项是表示下肢症状的用语()。 A: apainintheleftleg B: apainintherightarm C: stomachache D: toothache

    下列哪项是表示下肢症状的用语()。 A: apainintheleftleg B: apainintherightarm C: stomachache D: toothache

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    4. Which of the following is most often accompanied by obesity? A: Diabetes B: stomachache C: Neuron complaints D: High blood pressure

    4. Which of the following is most often accompanied by obesity? A: Diabetes B: stomachache C: Neuron complaints D: High blood pressure

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    sore throatshoulder acheelbow ache A: headache B: fever C: knee ache D: backache E: runny nose F: dizziness G: stomachache

    sore throatshoulder acheelbow ache A: headache B: fever C: knee ache D: backache E: runny nose F: dizziness G: stomachache

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Part IListening ComprehensionSection AlListen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.[音频]1. Fred has a_______. A: headache B: stomachache C: toothache

    Part IListening ComprehensionSection AlListen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.[音频]1. Fred has a_______. A: headache B: stomachache C: toothache

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    Nurse: Well, what’s troubling you?Mr. Black: I have a stomachache and feel like _____sometimes. Besides, it’s difficult for me to swallow. Which department should I register_____ ?

    Nurse: Well, what’s troubling you?Mr. Black: I have a stomachache and feel like _____sometimes. Besides, it’s difficult for me to swallow. Which department should I register_____ ?

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    What happened after Metis was swallowed by Zeus? A: Athena was born out of Zeus’ head B: Zeus got a serious stomachache C: Zeus got a revenge(复仇)from Metis D: Hera succeeded in marrying Zeus

    What happened after Metis was swallowed by Zeus? A: Athena was born out of Zeus’ head B: Zeus got a serious stomachache C: Zeus got a revenge(复仇)from Metis D: Hera succeeded in marrying Zeus

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