A: apainintheleftleg
B: apainintherightarm
C: stomachache
D: toothache
A: apainintheleftleg
B: apainintherightarm
C: stomachache
D: toothache
- 下列哪项不是表示上肢症状的用语() A: Aapainintheleftarm B: Bapainintherightleg C: Cstomachache D: Dtoothache
- Part IListening ComprehensionSection AlListen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.[音频]1. Fred has a_______. A: headache B: stomachache C: toothache
- 下列哪项不是关于上肢症状的用语()。 A: Ican’tliftmyrightarm B: Thepainspreadtothearms C: Ihadaheavycoughlastnight D: Theleftarmwasswollenandratherpainful
- 下列哪项症状表示肺炎球菌肺炎患者病情严重
- 下列哪项不属于孕期常见症状 A: 便秘 B: 阴道流血 C: 恶心呕吐 D: 仰卧位低血压综合征 E: 下肢静脉曲张