Quantitative trait
Quantitative trait
Qualitative trait(名词解释)
Qualitative trait(名词解释)
Which of the following is NOT a trait of an individualistic culture?
Which of the following is NOT a trait of an individualistic culture?
qualitative trait 的中文名称是( )
qualitative trait 的中文名称是( )
Quantitative trait指数量性状( )
Quantitative trait指数量性状( )
If the trait transferred from the donor parent to the reincarnation parent is controlled by the recessive single gene, then the selection of the backcross progeny is required ( ) to separate the trait for easy selection.
If the trait transferred from the donor parent to the reincarnation parent is controlled by the recessive single gene, then the selection of the backcross progeny is required ( ) to separate the trait for easy selection.
以下哪些词包含人格特征personality trait中trait的意思? A: characte B: quality C: feature D: nature
以下哪些词包含人格特征personality trait中trait的意思? A: characte B: quality C: feature D: nature
___________ consideration is a dominant trait for all the scientific researchers.
___________ consideration is a dominant trait for all the scientific researchers.