• 2021-04-14 问题

    Representational language refers to the language that ______.

    Representational language refers to the language that ______.

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    A synonym for " abstract " is___ . A: concrete B: applied C: nonfigurative D: representational

    A synonym for " abstract " is___ . A: concrete B: applied C: nonfigurative D: representational

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    RESTful也称之为REST,是英文“Representational State Transfer”的简称。

    RESTful也称之为REST,是英文“Representational State Transfer”的简称。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The scope of the meaning of ‘the virtual’ can be very broad, it can be the characteristic of the following representational medium except what?

    The scope of the meaning of ‘the virtual’ can be very broad, it can be the characteristic of the following representational medium except what?

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In multimodal stylistic analysis of image, () is concerned with which image is taken as given information and the right as new. A: Compositional B: Representational C: Interactional D: expressive

    In multimodal stylistic analysis of image, () is concerned with which image is taken as given information and the right as new. A: Compositional B: Representational C: Interactional D: expressive

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    ‏Representational language refers to the language that ______. ​ A: is mainly used in everyday life B: engages one’s emotion and imagination C: is transaction-based and socially conditioned D: is mainly used in practical writing

    ‏Representational language refers to the language that ______. ​ A: is mainly used in everyday life B: engages one’s emotion and imagination C: is transaction-based and socially conditioned D: is mainly used in practical writing

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In a representational painting, value plays the role of describing the followingimportant characteristics of the subject. A: Whether the subject has volume or is flat. B: What kind of texture the surface of the subject has. C: Where the light source is located, and how bright it is. D: Whether the object can be seen or not.

    In a representational painting, value plays the role of describing the followingimportant characteristics of the subject. A: Whether the subject has volume or is flat. B: What kind of texture the surface of the subject has. C: Where the light source is located, and how bright it is. D: Whether the object can be seen or not.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    中国大学MOOC: REST(是“Representational State Transfer”的缩写)是一种轻量级的Web Services架构风格,是针对Web应用而设计的,其目的是为了降低开发的复杂性,提高系统的可伸缩性。下述哪项关于它的描述不正确?

    中国大学MOOC: REST(是“Representational State Transfer”的缩写)是一种轻量级的Web Services架构风格,是针对Web应用而设计的,其目的是为了降低开发的复杂性,提高系统的可伸缩性。下述哪项关于它的描述不正确?

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    下面关于RESTful架构描述错误的是哪项()? A: REST全称是Representational State Transfer,首次出现Roy Fielding的博士论文中。 B: REST其实是创造了新的技术、组件或服务,被软件设计中广为采用。 C: 如果一个架构符合REST的约束条件和原则,则称之为RESTful架构。 D: REST指的是一组架构约束条件和原则。

    下面关于RESTful架构描述错误的是哪项()? A: REST全称是Representational State Transfer,首次出现Roy Fielding的博士论文中。 B: REST其实是创造了新的技术、组件或服务,被软件设计中广为采用。 C: 如果一个架构符合REST的约束条件和原则,则称之为RESTful架构。 D: REST指的是一组架构约束条件和原则。

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    REST(REpresentational State Transfer)是目前因特网的核心架构风格之一。与传统的Web服务相比,REST服务的主要优势不包括______。 A: 基于URI和超链接技术,无须通过集中式的服务信息仓库即可发现服务资源 B: 支持缓存,具有状态相关特性,所构建的应用系统具有较强的伸缩性 C: 基于轻量级的Web框架,仅需要基本的开发工具支持,构建过程简单且成本较低 D: 基于W3C/IETF的标准与规范,其实现技术简单且成熟

    REST(REpresentational State Transfer)是目前因特网的核心架构风格之一。与传统的Web服务相比,REST服务的主要优势不包括______。 A: 基于URI和超链接技术,无须通过集中式的服务信息仓库即可发现服务资源 B: 支持缓存,具有状态相关特性,所构建的应用系统具有较强的伸缩性 C: 基于轻量级的Web框架,仅需要基本的开发工具支持,构建过程简单且成本较低 D: 基于W3C/IETF的标准与规范,其实现技术简单且成熟

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