• 2022-06-15 问题

    STIs can be spread through___ A: penis + vagina = sex B: oral sex C: anal sex D: ubbing, touching genitals E: infected objects F: kissing, deep kissing

    STIs can be spread through___ A: penis + vagina = sex B: oral sex C: anal sex D: ubbing, touching genitals E: infected objects F: kissing, deep kissing

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    what is the 100% way to reduce sexual health risk related to STIs A: use condom B: avoid any and all sexual activity C: e monogamous D: get tested by you and your partne

    what is the 100% way to reduce sexual health risk related to STIs A: use condom B: avoid any and all sexual activity C: e monogamous D: get tested by you and your partne

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    A2型题 下列有关男用避孕套的描述,不正确的是() A: 避孕套破裂和滑脱是导致避孕失败的主要原因 B: 生殖器炎性患者宜使用避孕套避孕 C: 忌用食物油或矿物油做润滑剂 D: 可以预防对精液的过敏反应,治疗精液过敏症 E: 可以预防STIs

    A2型题 下列有关男用避孕套的描述,不正确的是() A: 避孕套破裂和滑脱是导致避孕失败的主要原因 B: 生殖器炎性患者宜使用避孕套避孕 C: 忌用食物油或矿物油做润滑剂 D: 可以预防对精液的过敏反应,治疗精液过敏症 E: 可以预防STIs

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