• 2021-04-14 问题

    What are the main sources of marketing research information?: higher research|primary research|secondary research|thirdly research

    What are the main sources of marketing research information?: higher research|primary research|secondary research|thirdly research

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thirdly, you can make a__9___with goals and___10__deadlines to stop yourself from procrastinating so that you can be sure you’ll___11___them.

    Thirdly, you can make a__9___with goals and___10__deadlines to stop yourself from procrastinating so that you can be sure you’ll___11___them.

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Piano is an excellent first instrument for young children to start with. First of all, pianos are (1) _______ to play and children can begin their music studies (2)_______ . Secondly, young children can quickly learn to play the (3)________ to basic (4) _____________ tunes, motivating them to keep practicing. Thirdly, keyboard layout is (5) ______________ and can help children learn to read music and (6) _______ a good sense of pitch.

    Piano is an excellent first instrument for young children to start with. First of all, pianos are (1) _______ to play and children can begin their music studies (2)_______ . Secondly, young children can quickly learn to play the (3)________ to basic (4) _____________ tunes, motivating them to keep practicing. Thirdly, keyboard layout is (5) ______________ and can help children learn to read music and (6) _______ a good sense of pitch.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Recently, there has been a discussion about 总述该问题/ Nowadays, it has become a common phenomenon总述该问题. 危害一/原因一. Additionally, 危害二/原因二. Therefore, it is high time that……解决该问题. The following ways can be adopted to 解决该问题./ Some effective measures have been taken to 解决该问题. Firstly/ First of all, 方法一/因素一. Secondly/ In addition, 方法二/因素二. Thirdly/ Besides/ Moreover, 方法三/因素三. Only through these ways / Only in this way 该问题才能够解决. It is no doubt that 解决该问题的意义. As for me, “我”的建议或看法. 总结观点。 该写作模板适合于问题解决型议论文的写作。

    Recently, there has been a discussion about 总述该问题/ Nowadays, it has become a common phenomenon总述该问题. 危害一/原因一. Additionally, 危害二/原因二. Therefore, it is high time that……解决该问题. The following ways can be adopted to 解决该问题./ Some effective measures have been taken to 解决该问题. Firstly/ First of all, 方法一/因素一. Secondly/ In addition, 方法二/因素二. Thirdly/ Besides/ Moreover, 方法三/因素三. Only through these ways / Only in this way 该问题才能够解决. It is no doubt that 解决该问题的意义. As for me, “我”的建议或看法. 总结观点。 该写作模板适合于问题解决型议论文的写作。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    ambition accomplish overcome courage trust perseverance self-confidence importance inherent ignored crucial overwhelming exclude negativity successful People say that 1) _________ is half of the success and can bring us the 2) ________ to stick to what we do. It is of great 3) ___________ and value to a person. Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the 4) _____ to be successful. Only when we have the ambition to be successful, can we be 5) ______ eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to 6) _______ the setbacks (挫折) and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop us from achieving success. Thirdly, with self-confidence we may 7) _________ something which seems to be 8) _______ previously. We should, or have to 9) _______ in ourselves. In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar (支柱) of a person, which is 10) _________ to one’s success.

    ambition accomplish overcome courage trust perseverance self-confidence importance inherent ignored crucial overwhelming exclude negativity successful People say that 1) _________ is half of the success and can bring us the 2) ________ to stick to what we do. It is of great 3) ___________ and value to a person. Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the 4) _____ to be successful. Only when we have the ambition to be successful, can we be 5) ______ eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to 6) _______ the setbacks (挫折) and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop us from achieving success. Thirdly, with self-confidence we may 7) _________ something which seems to be 8) _______ previously. We should, or have to 9) _______ in ourselves. In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar (支柱) of a person, which is 10) _________ to one’s success.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enables us to 1) ________ them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2) ________ for learning, those who wish to 3) ________ a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4) ________ their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, 5) ________ day and night, because they find some computer programs 6) ________, and they dream of becoming a “Bill Gates” one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7) ________ future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8) ________ knowledge from all the resources which are 9) ________ to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don’t want to 10) ________ anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.

    University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enables us to 1) ________ them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2) ________ for learning, those who wish to 3) ________ a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4) ________ their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, 5) ________ day and night, because they find some computer programs 6) ________, and they dream of becoming a “Bill Gates” one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7) ________ future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8) ________ knowledge from all the resources which are 9) ________ to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don’t want to 10) ________ anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Youth is not a matter of time but a matter of self-improvement, both physically and morally. Being a good youth, one should have those factors: the basic one is health. A healthy body is a kind of priceless treasure. One can do nothing without it. Secondly, we should pay essential attention to our moral character. We should be always willing to help those in trouble without any complaints. Moreover, we should care more about the people around us. Thirdly, cooperation and communication also play an important role in being a good youth. No one can live alone without any friends. And nobody can work out every problem without help of partners. So the youth should and must learn how to live and work well with others, including those people you don't like to cooperate or communicate with. The last but not the least, patriotism, meaning a love of one's country, is the one we should never forget. People always misunderstand the word “patriots” by thinking it only refers to those fighters who fight for their country. As a matter of fact, a patriot will do the things his country asks him to do. So being a youth is one thing, being a good one really needs to take every effort to make yourself to be.

    Youth is not a matter of time but a matter of self-improvement, both physically and morally. Being a good youth, one should have those factors: the basic one is health. A healthy body is a kind of priceless treasure. One can do nothing without it. Secondly, we should pay essential attention to our moral character. We should be always willing to help those in trouble without any complaints. Moreover, we should care more about the people around us. Thirdly, cooperation and communication also play an important role in being a good youth. No one can live alone without any friends. And nobody can work out every problem without help of partners. So the youth should and must learn how to live and work well with others, including those people you don't like to cooperate or communicate with. The last but not the least, patriotism, meaning a love of one's country, is the one we should never forget. People always misunderstand the word “patriots” by thinking it only refers to those fighters who fight for their country. As a matter of fact, a patriot will do the things his country asks him to do. So being a youth is one thing, being a good one really needs to take every effort to make yourself to be.

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