目前世界上规模最大的船舶报告系统是() A: AUSREP B: CHISREP C: AMVER
目前世界上规模最大的船舶报告系统是() A: AUSREP B: CHISREP C: AMVER
目前世界上规模最大的船舶报告系统是()。 A: AUSREP B: CHISPEP C: JASREP D: AMVER
目前世界上规模最大的船舶报告系统是()。 A: AUSREP B: CHISPEP C: JASREP D: AMVER
In ship reporting systems, the full name of AUSREP is ( ) A: . Africa Ship Reporting System B: Austrian Ship Reporting System C: American Ship Reporting System D: Australian Ship Reporting System
In ship reporting systems, the full name of AUSREP is ( ) A: . Africa Ship Reporting System B: Austrian Ship Reporting System C: American Ship Reporting System D: Australian Ship Reporting System