The exporting sewing machines in stout waterproof material, and in pairs in lightweight crates.
The exporting sewing machines in stout waterproof material, and in pairs in lightweight crates.
Two decades after graduation, she was now ______. A: fat B: chubby C: dumpy D: plump E: stout.
Two decades after graduation, she was now ______. A: fat B: chubby C: dumpy D: plump E: stout.
It seemed impossible that these ________ boats could survive in such a storm. A: serene B: frail C: stout D: conscious
It seemed impossible that these ________ boats could survive in such a storm. A: serene B: frail C: stout D: conscious
下面哪个形容词用来形容手臂粗壮 A: flabby B: obese C: fat D: stout
下面哪个形容词用来形容手臂粗壮 A: flabby B: obese C: fat D: stout
In a field with a large number of candidates, there will be lower salaries and ______ competition. A: some B: steep C: stiff D: stout
In a field with a large number of candidates, there will be lower salaries and ______ competition. A: some B: steep C: stiff D: stout
What sort of shoes would the man buy() A: An expensive pair of shoes. B: An affordable pair of shoes. C: A pair of trainers. D: A stout pair of shoes.
What sort of shoes would the man buy() A: An expensive pair of shoes. B: An affordable pair of shoes. C: A pair of trainers. D: A stout pair of shoes.
which of the following best describes Madame as a woman? A: She had a beautiful body but looked terrible that night because she had had a bitter fight with her husband B: She had a slim, well shaped body C: She had a full but curved body D: She was chubby and stout
which of the following best describes Madame as a woman? A: She had a beautiful body but looked terrible that night because she had had a bitter fight with her husband B: She had a slim, well shaped body C: She had a full but curved body D: She was chubby and stout
下列选项中,属于司陶特(Stout)黑啤酒的生产特点的是()。 A: 采用特种麦芽及结晶麦芽 B: 酒花添加量很高人 C: 酒花采用香型Spalt酒花 D: 采用浸出糖化法 E: 采用3次煮出糖化法
下列选项中,属于司陶特(Stout)黑啤酒的生产特点的是()。 A: 采用特种麦芽及结晶麦芽 B: 酒花添加量很高人 C: 酒花采用香型Spalt酒花 D: 采用浸出糖化法 E: 采用3次煮出糖化法
round(圆乎乎的),plump(丰满的),stout(结实的),well-fed(营养好的),on the heavy side(偏胖的)是fat(肥胖的)的委婉表达,而in difficulty(有困难), the less well off(生活不宽裕),in reduced circumstances(,条件不太好),not rich(不富裕)是poor(贫穷的)的委婉说法
round(圆乎乎的),plump(丰满的),stout(结实的),well-fed(营养好的),on the heavy side(偏胖的)是fat(肥胖的)的委婉表达,而in difficulty(有困难), the less well off(生活不宽裕),in reduced circumstances(,条件不太好),not rich(不富裕)是poor(贫穷的)的委婉说法