• 2022-06-05 问题

    Which of the followings are the top tips for making a revision? A: Ignore the odds. B: Embrace the fear aspect. C: Don’t decide by thinking but doing. D: Freak out.

    Which of the followings are the top tips for making a revision? A: Ignore the odds. B: Embrace the fear aspect. C: Don’t decide by thinking but doing. D: Freak out.

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    The following news will be played TWICE. Fill in the blanks below with the EXACT WORDS or NUMBERS you hear from the news. Write your answers on the answer sheet. There is only ONE WORD or NUMBER for each blank. Tonight, in Park City, Kansas, that the infamous BTK killer may have been caught. But people are ______ to find out just who the suspect is in a serial murder spree that went on for three decades. Cynthia Bowers joins us now with more on the man police have in ______ . Cynthia?Good evening, John. You know people here who knew Dennis Rader as an everyday guy are still shaking their heads today, wondering if he is the serial killer, how he managed to pull it off for so long. So brazen, he ______ claimed as his tenth victim a woman who lived just four doors down from his house. “We all thought she probably knew whoever she was with, but we had no idea that it was the man down the street and he was the BTK Killer.”As a neighbor, Sue Swartzendruber says she tolerated Rader, who took his job as Park City ______ Officer too seriously, even measuring the heights of people's lawns and issuing ______ . At nearby Christ Lutheran, where Rader was a church leader, this is a time of intense soul searching. “Obviously, it is ______ if the truth is what they say it is.”“You just don't want it to be somebody you know.”Jane and Ray Rice were friendly with both Rader and his wife Paula. Ray Rice went to high school with Dennis Rader and still sees him from time to time. “When he was young, he was a very good looking man, you know. It’s like…, I don’t know why he would… if it's him, why he would ever get to this point.”But for investigators, tracking a ______ killer since 1974, that he ______ detection by leading a double life, even raising a family, isn't so surprising. “We were confident that this individual probably did live here in the area.”“Well you're very careful to say he's innocent 'til proven guilty, but is there a sense of ______ ?”“I hope it isn't, but in a sense I hope it is because it will be the end of it, so . . .”Investigators were seen last night carrying boxes from the Rader house, boxes that appear to contain panty hose and jewellery that some think may be ______ of the victims of the serial killer BTK. John. Cynthia, what's next for Dennis Rader? Dennis Rader has his first court appearance tomorrow. He will be charged with ten counts of first-degree murder. And a man who many say was a bit of a control freak must, by now, be realizing he may have lost control for good. John. Cynthia Bowers, in Park City, Kansas, for us tonight. Cynthia, thanks.

    The following news will be played TWICE. Fill in the blanks below with the EXACT WORDS or NUMBERS you hear from the news. Write your answers on the answer sheet. There is only ONE WORD or NUMBER for each blank. Tonight, in Park City, Kansas, that the infamous BTK killer may have been caught. But people are ______ to find out just who the suspect is in a serial murder spree that went on for three decades. Cynthia Bowers joins us now with more on the man police have in ______ . Cynthia?Good evening, John. You know people here who knew Dennis Rader as an everyday guy are still shaking their heads today, wondering if he is the serial killer, how he managed to pull it off for so long. So brazen, he ______ claimed as his tenth victim a woman who lived just four doors down from his house. “We all thought she probably knew whoever she was with, but we had no idea that it was the man down the street and he was the BTK Killer.”As a neighbor, Sue Swartzendruber says she tolerated Rader, who took his job as Park City ______ Officer too seriously, even measuring the heights of people's lawns and issuing ______ . At nearby Christ Lutheran, where Rader was a church leader, this is a time of intense soul searching. “Obviously, it is ______ if the truth is what they say it is.”“You just don't want it to be somebody you know.”Jane and Ray Rice were friendly with both Rader and his wife Paula. Ray Rice went to high school with Dennis Rader and still sees him from time to time. “When he was young, he was a very good looking man, you know. It’s like…, I don’t know why he would… if it's him, why he would ever get to this point.”But for investigators, tracking a ______ killer since 1974, that he ______ detection by leading a double life, even raising a family, isn't so surprising. “We were confident that this individual probably did live here in the area.”“Well you're very careful to say he's innocent 'til proven guilty, but is there a sense of ______ ?”“I hope it isn't, but in a sense I hope it is because it will be the end of it, so . . .”Investigators were seen last night carrying boxes from the Rader house, boxes that appear to contain panty hose and jewellery that some think may be ______ of the victims of the serial killer BTK. John. Cynthia, what's next for Dennis Rader? Dennis Rader has his first court appearance tomorrow. He will be charged with ten counts of first-degree murder. And a man who many say was a bit of a control freak must, by now, be realizing he may have lost control for good. John. Cynthia Bowers, in Park City, Kansas, for us tonight. Cynthia, thanks.

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