一头母牛2004年10月20日配种受胎,则产仔期为()。 A: 2005、6、16 B: 2005、6、26 C: 2005、7、16 D: 2005、7、26
一头母牛2004年10月20日配种受胎,则产仔期为()。 A: 2005、6、16 B: 2005、6、26 C: 2005、7、16 D: 2005、7、26
2005×20062006-2006×20052005=______。 A: 2006 B: 2005 C: 1 D: 0
2005×20062006-2006×20052005=______。 A: 2006 B: 2005 C: 1 D: 0
下列数据中,()是日期型常量。 A: {^2005/01/01} B: "2005/01/01" C: 2005/01/01 D: 2005-01-01
下列数据中,()是日期型常量。 A: {^2005/01/01} B: "2005/01/01" C: 2005/01/01 D: 2005-01-01
如果信用证规定汇票的期限为30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF BILL OF LADING,提单日期为MAR.1,2005,依据《国际银行标准实务》的规定,该汇票的到期日应为( )。 A: MAY.1,2005 B: APR.1,2005 C: Apr.15,2005 D: MAR.15,2005
如果信用证规定汇票的期限为30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF BILL OF LADING,提单日期为MAR.1,2005,依据《国际银行标准实务》的规定,该汇票的到期日应为( )。 A: MAY.1,2005 B: APR.1,2005 C: Apr.15,2005 D: MAR.15,2005
The two parties agreed with each other at April 5th 2005, and then they entered into a contract at April 8th 2005. The contract got approval from the government of one party at July 1st 2005, and got the approval from the government of the other party at July 8th 2005. Now the effective date of the contract is [ ] . A: April 5th , 2005 B: April 8th , 2005 C: July 1st , 2005 D: July 8th , 2005
The two parties agreed with each other at April 5th 2005, and then they entered into a contract at April 8th 2005. The contract got approval from the government of one party at July 1st 2005, and got the approval from the government of the other party at July 8th 2005. Now the effective date of the contract is [ ] . A: April 5th , 2005 B: April 8th , 2005 C: July 1st , 2005 D: July 8th , 2005
GB 13100-- 2005
GB 13100-- 2005
H注册会计师负责对C公司2005年度会计报表进行审计。在对C公司的筹资和投资循环实施审计时,H注册会计师遇到以下事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。H注册会计师计划测试C公司2005年末长期银行借款余额的完整性。以下审计程序中,可能实现该审计目标的有()。 A: 了解银行对C公司的授信情况 B: 检查长期银行借款明细账中本年新增借款的银行进账单 C: 向提供长期银行借款的银行寄发银行询证函 D: 重新计算并分析2005年度长期借款利息
H注册会计师负责对C公司2005年度会计报表进行审计。在对C公司的筹资和投资循环实施审计时,H注册会计师遇到以下事项,请代为做出正确的专业判断。H注册会计师计划测试C公司2005年末长期银行借款余额的完整性。以下审计程序中,可能实现该审计目标的有()。 A: 了解银行对C公司的授信情况 B: 检查长期银行借款明细账中本年新增借款的银行进账单 C: 向提供长期银行借款的银行寄发银行询证函 D: 重新计算并分析2005年度长期借款利息
The figure like1/10/2005 in British English will be understood as January10, 2005, while in American English will be understood as October1, 2005.
The figure like1/10/2005 in British English will be understood as January10, 2005, while in American English will be understood as October1, 2005.