• 2021-04-14 问题

    If something flourishes, it is ____.

    If something flourishes, it is ____.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Most plants ______________ in this rich soil. A: flourish B: flourishes C: flourished D: flourishing

    Most plants ______________ in this rich soil. A: flourish B: flourishes C: flourished D: flourishing

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【填空题】Choose the suitable translation for each idiom with the corresponding letter. 1.爱屋及乌 2. 笨鸟先飞 3. 不遗余力 4. 不眠之夜 5. 既往不咎 6. 和气生财 7. 脚踏实地 8. 马到成功 9. 茅塞顿开 10. 本末倒置 11. 大开眼界 12. 名利双收 13. 国泰民安 14. 金玉满堂 15. 破釜沉舟 16. 升级换代 17. 熟能生巧 18. 一诺千金 19. 趁热打铁 20. 聊胜于无 A. spare no effort B. the country flourishes and people live in peace C. broaden one’s horizon D. be down-to-earth E. be suddenly enlightened F. achieve immediate victory G. gain in both fame and wealth H. harmony brings wealth I. love me, love my dog

    【填空题】Choose the suitable translation for each idiom with the corresponding letter. 1.爱屋及乌 2. 笨鸟先飞 3. 不遗余力 4. 不眠之夜 5. 既往不咎 6. 和气生财 7. 脚踏实地 8. 马到成功 9. 茅塞顿开 10. 本末倒置 11. 大开眼界 12. 名利双收 13. 国泰民安 14. 金玉满堂 15. 破釜沉舟 16. 升级换代 17. 熟能生巧 18. 一诺千金 19. 趁热打铁 20. 聊胜于无 A. spare no effort B. the country flourishes and people live in peace C. broaden one’s horizon D. be down-to-earth E. be suddenly enlightened F. achieve immediate victory G. gain in both fame and wealth H. harmony brings wealth I. love me, love my dog

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