在配置特定交换机端口时,思科推荐采用哪两种模式?(选择两项) A: 接入 B: FastEthernet C: Gigabit Ethernet D: IEEE 802.1Q E: ISL F: TRUNK
在配置特定交换机端口时,思科推荐采用哪两种模式?(选择两项) A: 接入 B: FastEthernet C: Gigabit Ethernet D: IEEE 802.1Q E: ISL F: TRUNK
A hypervisor has 4GB of RAM, 1TB of RAID 5 SATA storage,two Xeon 2.4GHz Quad CoreProcessors,and four gigabit NIC cards.The hypervisor is running twelve guest operating systemsand users are reporting slow response times.Which of the following is MOST likely the cause?() A: Processor B: RAM C: HDD D: NIC
A hypervisor has 4GB of RAM, 1TB of RAID 5 SATA storage,two Xeon 2.4GHz Quad CoreProcessors,and four gigabit NIC cards.The hypervisor is running twelve guest operating systemsand users are reporting slow response times.Which of the following is MOST likely the cause?() A: Processor B: RAM C: HDD D: NIC
客户局域网交换机SWA、SWB、SWC、SWD上构成RRPP环主环1交换机SWD与交换机SWB、SWC相连,与交换机SWA不相连。交换机SWD上有如下配置信息: 如果交换机SWA为主环1主节点,如果交换机SWD端口GigabitEthem1/0/故障,从上述信息可以得知()。 A: SWA将发送Link-Down报文通知所有节点 B: 交换机SWA立即将状态切换到Failed状态,放开副端口 C: 交换机SWC立即将状态切换到Failed状态,放开副端口 D: 如果交换机SWD发现端口Gigabit口重新Up后,立即解除该端口的阻塞状态
客户局域网交换机SWA、SWB、SWC、SWD上构成RRPP环主环1交换机SWD与交换机SWB、SWC相连,与交换机SWA不相连。交换机SWD上有如下配置信息: 如果交换机SWA为主环1主节点,如果交换机SWD端口GigabitEthem1/0/故障,从上述信息可以得知()。 A: SWA将发送Link-Down报文通知所有节点 B: 交换机SWA立即将状态切换到Failed状态,放开副端口 C: 交换机SWC立即将状态切换到Failed状态,放开副端口 D: 如果交换机SWD发现端口Gigabit口重新Up后,立即解除该端口的阻塞状态