• 2022-05-27 问题

    「ちょっと」的正确读音是()。 A: tuto B: youto C: yuyito D: tyotto

    「ちょっと」的正确读音是()。 A: tuto B: youto C: yuyito D: tyotto

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    While theroad map _____ your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps youto fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way.

    While theroad map _____ your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps youto fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    While theroad map _____ your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps youto fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way. A: guides B: takes C: instructs leads D: leads

    While theroad map _____ your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps youto fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way. A: guides B: takes C: instructs leads D: leads

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    In a moment, I’m going to ask youto close your eyes, think about one word, and tell me what comes to mind. Notyet. Firstyou have to know what the word is.

    In a moment, I’m going to ask youto close your eyes, think about one word, and tell me what comes to mind. Notyet. Firstyou have to know what the word is.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    In a moment(一会儿), I’m going to ask youto close your eyes, think about one word, and tell me what comes to mind. Not yet(还没开始). First you have to know what the word is.

    In a moment(一会儿), I’m going to ask youto close your eyes, think about one word, and tell me what comes to mind. Not yet(还没开始). First you have to know what the word is.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    下列句子中有四处划线部分,分别为A、B、C和D,其中有一处有语法错误,请找出来。 The object of my article is to “expose” youto variations of modern English as manyas possible and help you usethem yourselfin the appropriate circumstances. A: “expose” you B: variations of modern English as many C: help you use D: yourself

    下列句子中有四处划线部分,分别为A、B、C和D,其中有一处有语法错误,请找出来。 The object of my article is to “expose” youto variations of modern English as manyas possible and help you usethem yourselfin the appropriate circumstances. A: “expose” you B: variations of modern English as many C: help you use D: yourself

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    用方框中所给词语的恰当形式填空。hate nervous wish talk about manage1. How did youto finish your work within one day?2. My friendus to have a good time at the party.3. Sheto get up too early in the morning.4. The mother oftenher child with the teacher.5. I always feelbefore taking an exam.

    用方框中所给词语的恰当形式填空。hate nervous wish talk about manage1. How did youto finish your work within one day?2. My friendus to have a good time at the party.3. Sheto get up too early in the morning.4. The mother oftenher child with the teacher.5. I always feelbefore taking an exam.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Listen & fill in the blanks. A: Sam, I want to talk with you 1 .B:What position shall I be playing, Mr. Harris? You know, John& Dick both 2 . Neither of them can play,perhaps. May IplayJohn's orDick'sposition?A: But I wasthinking... , you know, the game is a bit distance this time. It is in London. So I 3 .Itmay be very difficult for youto...B: There is no problem here, Mr Harris. I mean distance is no problem for me.A: But the London team is a bit strong. Besides; we have lost the last three games. 4 . Weare thinking of 5 this time.B: Oh, no! You know, I not only practice very hard, but also play very well in games.A: Let's be frank; Sam. We know that you played as hard as anyone on the team, but both you andDick 6 . Well, if you and Dick can be dropped this time,we may give both ofyou another chance sometime...B: Oh, no... 7 , Mr. Harris.. You eitherhave me play the forwardor lose thegame, to be frank with you.A:Well, 8 , hope you understand... I’m sorry, Sam.

    Listen & fill in the blanks. A: Sam, I want to talk with you 1 .B:What position shall I be playing, Mr. Harris? You know, John& Dick both 2 . Neither of them can play,perhaps. May IplayJohn's orDick'sposition?A: But I wasthinking... , you know, the game is a bit distance this time. It is in London. So I 3 .Itmay be very difficult for youto...B: There is no problem here, Mr Harris. I mean distance is no problem for me.A: But the London team is a bit strong. Besides; we have lost the last three games. 4 . Weare thinking of 5 this time.B: Oh, no! You know, I not only practice very hard, but also play very well in games.A: Let's be frank; Sam. We know that you played as hard as anyone on the team, but both you andDick 6 . Well, if you and Dick can be dropped this time,we may give both ofyou another chance sometime...B: Oh, no... 7 , Mr. Harris.. You eitherhave me play the forwardor lose thegame, to be frank with you.A:Well, 8 , hope you understand... I’m sorry, Sam.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    听看完视频,完成填空。每空一词Fight the VirusHello virus from WuhanAnother problem is(1)againBecause you see the contagion creepingAnd the(2)is indeed spreadingAnd the memory of SARS plantedin my brainStill remainsWe stand and(3)the virusWe hear of theories how it grewFrom snakes and bats became a(4)Passing the sickness from man to manNow it’s growing,Getting out of(5)It’s a virus that has traveled near and farCoronaWe have to fight the virusAnd in the latest(6)I sawTen thousand people may be morePeople falling sick with much(7)People falling ill with much sneezingPeople worried for their(8)and their ones so dearPneumoniaWe keep the fight the virusKeep your(9)clean always knowHygiene will stop that virus growWhen you sneeze cover with a(10)Even coughing just let me teach youWear a(11)if you’re sickSo that others won’t get it tooWe(12)on youTo help to fight the virusTogether we must(13)To beat the virus fight as oneFor a life of health and(14)It’s in our hands it’s up to you and meFor the health of our(15)Of our friends and familyHumanityWe will win thisFight the virus

    听看完视频,完成填空。每空一词Fight the VirusHello virus from WuhanAnother problem is(1)againBecause you see the contagion creepingAnd the(2)is indeed spreadingAnd the memory of SARS plantedin my brainStill remainsWe stand and(3)the virusWe hear of theories how it grewFrom snakes and bats became a(4)Passing the sickness from man to manNow it’s growing,Getting out of(5)It’s a virus that has traveled near and farCoronaWe have to fight the virusAnd in the latest(6)I sawTen thousand people may be morePeople falling sick with much(7)People falling ill with much sneezingPeople worried for their(8)and their ones so dearPneumoniaWe keep the fight the virusKeep your(9)clean always knowHygiene will stop that virus growWhen you sneeze cover with a(10)Even coughing just let me teach youWear a(11)if you’re sickSo that others won’t get it tooWe(12)on youTo help to fight the virusTogether we must(13)To beat the virus fight as oneFor a life of health and(14)It’s in our hands it’s up to you and meFor the health of our(15)Of our friends and familyHumanityWe will win thisFight the virus

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Cloze:officialdignityturn his backvacantcompanionbotherhelplesslyscenecut me shorttreateddescribedeven ifHaving found a local____1___, I asked him if I couldn’t havesome poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he ____2___with a sharp “No, you can’t. Every corner is full. Now don’t __3___me any more,” and with these words he ___4___on me and walked off.I hadnot expected to be __5____ like this, and my __6____was in a state not to be described. I said to my__7____, “They talk to me like this because theydon’t know who I am.” But my companion said, “Don’t talk such foolishness.___8___ they did know who you were, do you suppose it would help youto get a seat in a train which had no ___9__ seats in it?” And he also turned his back on me. That was too much. I found the same local official and said very politely that my name was Mark Twain and could I have — but he cut me short again, “I’ve told you notto bother me any more.” And again he turned hisback on me. I looked around__10___ and saw thatmy companion had been watching the whole___11__.The shame which I felt cannot be____12___. I said, “Hemay not have heard my name,” but my companion didn’t agree with me, saying, “He must have heard your name well enough. He does not care, that’s all.”

    Cloze:officialdignityturn his backvacantcompanionbotherhelplesslyscenecut me shorttreateddescribedeven ifHaving found a local____1___, I asked him if I couldn’t havesome poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping-car; but he ____2___with a sharp “No, you can’t. Every corner is full. Now don’t __3___me any more,” and with these words he ___4___on me and walked off.I hadnot expected to be __5____ like this, and my __6____was in a state not to be described. I said to my__7____, “They talk to me like this because theydon’t know who I am.” But my companion said, “Don’t talk such foolishness.___8___ they did know who you were, do you suppose it would help youto get a seat in a train which had no ___9__ seats in it?” And he also turned his back on me. That was too much. I found the same local official and said very politely that my name was Mark Twain and could I have — but he cut me short again, “I’ve told you notto bother me any more.” And again he turned hisback on me. I looked around__10___ and saw thatmy companion had been watching the whole___11__.The shame which I felt cannot be____12___. I said, “Hemay not have heard my name,” but my companion didn’t agree with me, saying, “He must have heard your name well enough. He does not care, that’s all.”

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