Definition of Cytoskeleton
Definition of Cytoskeleton
真菌细胞骨架(cytoskeleton)具有支持、运输和运动等功能。( )
真菌细胞骨架(cytoskeleton)具有支持、运输和运动等功能。( )
The microtubules and microfilaments of the cytoskeleton are dynamic polymers that are subject to shortening, lengthening, disassembly, and reassembly.( )
The microtubules and microfilaments of the cytoskeleton are dynamic polymers that are subject to shortening, lengthening, disassembly, and reassembly.( )
细胞骨架(Neuronal cytoskeleton)是细胞胞质内细丝状结构的总称。
细胞骨架(Neuronal cytoskeleton)是细胞胞质内细丝状结构的总称。
细胞骨架(Neuronal cytoskeleton)是细胞胞质内细丝状结构的总称。 A: 正确 B: 错误
细胞骨架(Neuronal cytoskeleton)是细胞胞质内细丝状结构的总称。 A: 正确 B: 错误
which of the following belong to cytoskeleton?( ) A: Microtubule B: Microfilament/actin<br/>filament C: Intermediate<br/>filament D: Karyoskeleton/nuclear<br/>matrix
which of the following belong to cytoskeleton?( ) A: Microtubule B: Microfilament/actin<br/>filament C: Intermediate<br/>filament D: Karyoskeleton/nuclear<br/>matrix
In an experiment involving observations on wound healing, researchers noted that intracytoplasmic cytoskeletal elements, including actin, interact with the extracellular matrix to promote cell attachment and migration in wound healing. Which of the following substances is most likely responsible for such interaction between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix?
In an experiment involving observations on wound healing, researchers noted that intracytoplasmic cytoskeletal elements, including actin, interact with the extracellular matrix to promote cell attachment and migration in wound healing. Which of the following substances is most likely responsible for such interaction between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix?