• 2021-04-14 问题

    Authorized by clients , we are to purchase the following equipment by way of international competitive bidding .

    Authorized by clients , we are to purchase the following equipment by way of international competitive bidding .

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Bidding farewell to a tour group marks the end of the tour guide’s service.

    Bidding farewell to a tour group marks the end of the tour guide’s service.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Summer is () for traveling. A: prime time B: comsumer perception C: bidding price D: in advance

    Summer is () for traveling. A: prime time B: comsumer perception C: bidding price D: in advance

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The team is _____ to retain its place in the league. A: bidding B: spotting C: helping D: looking

    The team is _____ to retain its place in the league. A: bidding B: spotting C: helping D: looking

  • 2022-10-30 问题

    The employer shall open the bids( )in the presence of bidders designated repesentatives at the addres.date and time specified in the bidding document.

    The employer shall open the bids( )in the presence of bidders designated repesentatives at the addres.date and time specified in the bidding document.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Bidding documents can be obtained at the following address upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of RMB ? 2799 each set

    Bidding documents can be obtained at the following address upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of RMB ? 2799 each set

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    What are the principles of bidding procedures? A: openness B: fairness C: justice D: honesty E: credit worthiness

    What are the principles of bidding procedures? A: openness B: fairness C: justice D: honesty E: credit worthiness

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Bidding documents can be obtained at the following address upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of RMB 00a5 2799 each set.

    Bidding documents can be obtained at the following address upon receipt of a non-refundable payment of RMB 00a5 2799 each set.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Ten companies are bidding for the contract, so ______ company will win is still a mystery. A: whom B: who C: that D: which

    Ten companies are bidding for the contract, so ______ company will win is still a mystery. A: whom B: who C: that D: which

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    A young couple will have some financial trouble if they are not good<br/>at ( )<br/>. A: budgeting B: bursting C: breeding D: bidding

    A young couple will have some financial trouble if they are not good<br/>at ( )<br/>. A: budgeting B: bursting C: breeding D: bidding

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