• 2021-04-14 问题

    A princess strives for … ______ 公主凡事都要力求完美.(

    A princess strives for … ______ 公主凡事都要力求完美.(

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full _________.

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full _________.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The company strives to sell more products by discounting ______ significantly. A: advertisement B: merchandise C: retail D: refunds

    The company strives to sell more products by discounting ______ significantly. A: advertisement B: merchandise C: retail D: refunds

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full _______. (翻译并填空:n. 潜能 )

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full _______. (翻译并填空:n. 潜能 )

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one achieve their full ______. A: potential B: punishment C: prophecy D: prospect

    The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one achieve their full ______. A: potential B: punishment C: prophecy D: prospect

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    is the ideal self who the person strives to become, and it is developed partly through culture. A: Id B: Ego C: Superego D: Identity

    is the ideal self who the person strives to become, and it is developed partly through culture. A: Id B: Ego C: Superego D: Identity

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    中国大学MOOC: American education strives to cultivate ___________________ among students. Quite a number of students work part-time during their school years.

    中国大学MOOC: American education strives to cultivate ___________________ among students. Quite a number of students work part-time during their school years.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Why does Santiago not let his lines drift like the other fishermen? A: He is no longer young or strong enough to control a drifting line. B: He believes it is imprecise, and he strives always to be exact. C: He is a stubborn man who prefers the old-fashioned way of fishing. D: It is dangerous, as he might become tangled with another boat.

    Why does Santiago not let his lines drift like the other fishermen? A: He is no longer young or strong enough to control a drifting line. B: He believes it is imprecise, and he strives always to be exact. C: He is a stubborn man who prefers the old-fashioned way of fishing. D: It is dangerous, as he might become tangled with another boat.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    In disaster management work, the Chinese government sets disaster______ as a priority, in conjunction with disaster______ ,______ ,and______ .It adheres to the ______ of ordinary disaster reduction and non-ordinary disaster relief, strives to achieve the______ from post-disaster relief to pre-disaster prevention, from responding to single-type disasters to______ disaster reduction, and from disaster loss______ to disaster risk mitigation, and puts special emphasis on beforehand disaster______ and______ .

    In disaster management work, the Chinese government sets disaster______ as a priority, in conjunction with disaster______ ,______ ,and______ .It adheres to the ______ of ordinary disaster reduction and non-ordinary disaster relief, strives to achieve the______ from post-disaster relief to pre-disaster prevention, from responding to single-type disasters to______ disaster reduction, and from disaster loss______ to disaster risk mitigation, and puts special emphasis on beforehand disaster______ and______ .

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    I met my husband when I was a postgraduate student. We got married after our graduation. I thought we, like many 1 we know, would hold 2 jobs and share a cozy apartment. I followed my husband, who was eager to continue his 3 studies, to another city where he would study. Although I was 4 prepared for the “arduous days” 5 by my parents and friends, I 6 felt shocked and pressured 7 those days actually came. I found it difficult for a girl 8 any work experience to find a suitable job 9 having a good degree. 10 I am working at now has no 11 with my major. The subsidy (津贴) provided to my husband now is less than $ 300. To 12 money, we have rented a tiny room in an area 13 with all kinds of working people and cook dinners ourselves. We 14 stroll in markets and we consider the 15 value of each item we buy. We never thought our life would turn out to be like this. 16 , I am still happy. My husband is smart and always strives to 17 himself. He loves me deeply and tries to do everything to please me. I won’t stop studying or searching for better opportunities to realize my dream. Compared 18 young people who 19 their parents for a “happy life”, I am very proud that we are paving the way 20 success by ourselves, isn’t it a unique and happy life?

    I met my husband when I was a postgraduate student. We got married after our graduation. I thought we, like many 1 we know, would hold 2 jobs and share a cozy apartment. I followed my husband, who was eager to continue his 3 studies, to another city where he would study. Although I was 4 prepared for the “arduous days” 5 by my parents and friends, I 6 felt shocked and pressured 7 those days actually came. I found it difficult for a girl 8 any work experience to find a suitable job 9 having a good degree. 10 I am working at now has no 11 with my major. The subsidy (津贴) provided to my husband now is less than $ 300. To 12 money, we have rented a tiny room in an area 13 with all kinds of working people and cook dinners ourselves. We 14 stroll in markets and we consider the 15 value of each item we buy. We never thought our life would turn out to be like this. 16 , I am still happy. My husband is smart and always strives to 17 himself. He loves me deeply and tries to do everything to please me. I won’t stop studying or searching for better opportunities to realize my dream. Compared 18 young people who 19 their parents for a “happy life”, I am very proud that we are paving the way 20 success by ourselves, isn’t it a unique and happy life?

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