Model: Yet the idea that a meaningful life must be or appear remarkable is not only limited but also misguided. (not only... but also... 表示“不但…而且…”) the car, economical, environmentally friendly
Model: Yet the idea that a meaningful life must be or appear remarkable is not only limited but also misguided. (not only... but also... 表示“不但…而且…”) the car, economical, environmentally friendly
He should also...
He should also...
【单选题】.— Lin Tao, do you want to visit the Great Wall, _______? — Sure, Wen Wei ______ wants to. A. also; too B. too; too C. too; also D. also; also A. also; too B. too; too C. too; also D. also; also
【单选题】.— Lin Tao, do you want to visit the Great Wall, _______? — Sure, Wen Wei ______ wants to. A. also; too B. too; too C. too; also D. also; also A. also; too B. too; too C. too; also D. also; also
Rewrite the sentences with “not only ... but also..." after the model.MODEL:The room is clean; besides, it is bright.→ The room isnot onlycleanbut alsobright.1. Many people carry both credit cards and cash.
Rewrite the sentences with “not only ... but also..." after the model.MODEL:The room is clean; besides, it is bright.→ The room isnot onlycleanbut alsobright.1. Many people carry both credit cards and cash.
A: Was du noch? B: Also... ich habe noch einen Vorschlag, wir trinken dann Kaffee. A: schlagst, vo B: lädst, ein C: schlägst, vo D: kaufst, ein
A: Was du noch? B: Also... ich habe noch einen Vorschlag, wir trinken dann Kaffee. A: schlagst, vo B: lädst, ein C: schlägst, vo D: kaufst, ein
We also learned the way to greet people.We also learned ______ ______ greet people.
We also learned the way to greet people.We also learned ______ ______ greet people.
What is the wrong claim? A: A local minimizer is also a global minimizer for convex optimization B: An isolated local minimizer is also a strict local minimizerAn isolated local minimizer is also a strict local minimizer C: A global minimizer is also a local minimizer for unconstraint optimizationA global minimizer is also a local minimizer for unconstraint optimization D: A strict local minimizer is also an isolated local minimizer
What is the wrong claim? A: A local minimizer is also a global minimizer for convex optimization B: An isolated local minimizer is also a strict local minimizerAn isolated local minimizer is also a strict local minimizer C: A global minimizer is also a local minimizer for unconstraint optimizationA global minimizer is also a local minimizer for unconstraint optimization D: A strict local minimizer is also an isolated local minimizer
Tim says that the Internet has connected our culture and ____________ with the rest of the world, and it also allows people to use technology in new ways that have never been thought of before. A: also our movies and music B: also our social life C: also our economy D: also our tourist attractions
Tim says that the Internet has connected our culture and ____________ with the rest of the world, and it also allows people to use technology in new ways that have never been thought of before. A: also our movies and music B: also our social life C: also our economy D: also our tourist attractions
Not only ________ spend all our money, but we ________ close to losing our lives. A: did we; also came B: we did; came also C: we did; also came D: did we; also did come
Not only ________ spend all our money, but we ________ close to losing our lives. A: did we; also came B: we did; came also C: we did; also came D: did we; also did come
.Although many people use the word “milk” to refer cow’s milk, _______ to milk from any animal, including human milk and goat’s milk. A: applying it also B: applies also C: it also applies D: but it also applies
.Although many people use the word “milk” to refer cow’s milk, _______ to milk from any animal, including human milk and goat’s milk. A: applying it also B: applies also C: it also applies D: but it also applies