• 2022-06-15 问题

    下列选项中属于图例的是() A: ▲ B: 1729 C: 天堂寨 D: ▲和1729

    下列选项中属于图例的是() A: ▲ B: 1729 C: 天堂寨 D: ▲和1729

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    世界上第一道禁烟法令颁布是在哪一年? A: 1842 B: 1840 C: 1723 D: 1729

    世界上第一道禁烟法令颁布是在哪一年? A: 1842 B: 1840 C: 1723 D: 1729

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    清雍正七年(1729)“改土归流”之前,湘西一直沿用 制度,朝廷不派流官,采取 的宽松的“无为而治”政策。

    清雍正七年(1729)“改土归流”之前,湘西一直沿用 制度,朝廷不派流官,采取 的宽松的“无为而治”政策。

  • 2022-05-23 问题

    数字1729是9和10的三次方之和,也是1和12的三次方之和,它被称为(). A: 的士数 B: 回文数 C: 亲和数 D: 梅森素数

    数字1729是9和10的三次方之和,也是1和12的三次方之和,它被称为(). A: 的士数 B: 回文数 C: 亲和数 D: 梅森素数

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: 3. Westminster BridgeWestminster Bridge is a road-and-foot-traffic bridge over the River Thames in London, linking Westminster on the west side and Lambeth on the east side.The bridge is painted predominantly green, the same colour as the leather seats in the House of Commons which is on the side of the Palace of Westminster nearest to the bridge, but a natural shade similar to verdigris. This is in contrast to Lambeth Bridge, which is red, the same colour as the seats in the House of Lords and is on the opposite side of the Houses of Parliament.In 2005–2007, it underwent a complete refurbishment, including replacing the iron fascias and repainting the whole bridge. It links the Palace of Westminster on the west side of the river with County Hall and the London Eye on the east and was the finishing point during the early years of the London Marathon.The next bridge downstream is the Hungerford footbridge and upstream is Lambeth Bridge. Westminster Bridge was designated a Grade II listed structure in 1981.For over 600 years (at least 1129-1729), the nearest Thames bridge to London Bridge was at Kingston. From late Tudor times congestion in trading hours at London Bridge (for road goods and carriages from Kent, Essex, much of Surrey, Middlesex and beyond) often amounted to more than an hour. A bridge at Westminster was proposed in 1664, but opposed by the Corporation of London and the watermen. Further opposition held sway in 1722. However an intervening bridge (albeit in timber) was built at Putney in 1729 and the scheme received parliamentary approval in 1736. Financed by private capital, lotteries and grants, Westminster Bridge was built between 1739–1750, under the supervision of the Swiss engineer Charles Labelye. The bridge opened on 18 November 1750.The City of London responded to Westminster Bridge and the population growth by removing the buildings on London Bridge and widening it in 1760–63. With Putney Bridge, the bridge paved the way for four others within three decades: Blackfriars Bridge (1769, built by the City), Kew Bridge (1759), Battersea Bridge (1773), and Richmond Bridge (1777) by which date roads and vehicles were improved and fewer regular goods transported by water.The bridge assisted the expanding West End to the developing South London as well as goods and carriages from the more estuarine counties and the East Sussex and Kentish ports. Without the bridge, traffic to/from the greater West End would have to negotiate streets often as congested as London Bridge, principally the Strand/Fleet Street and New Oxford Street/Holborn. Roads on both sides of the river were also built and improved, including Charing Cross Road and around the Elephant & Castle in Southwark.By the mid–19th century the bridge was subsiding badly and expensive to maintain. The current bridge was designed by Thomas Page and opened on 24 May 1862. With a length of 820 feet (250 m) and a width of 85 feet (26 m), it is a seven-arch, cast-iron bridge with Gothic detailing by Charles Barry (the architect of the Palace of Westminster). Since the removal Rennies New London Bridge in 1967 it is the oldest road structure which crosses the Thames in central London.On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack started on the bridge and continued into Bridge Street and Old Palace Yard. Five people - three pedestrians, one police officer, and the attacker - died as a result of the incident. A colleague of the officer (who was stationed nearby) was armed and shot the attacker. More than 50 people were injured. An investigation is ongoing by the Metropolitan Police. 5.What do we know about Westminster Bridge according to the passage?

    中国大学MOOC: 3. Westminster BridgeWestminster Bridge is a road-and-foot-traffic bridge over the River Thames in London, linking Westminster on the west side and Lambeth on the east side.The bridge is painted predominantly green, the same colour as the leather seats in the House of Commons which is on the side of the Palace of Westminster nearest to the bridge, but a natural shade similar to verdigris. This is in contrast to Lambeth Bridge, which is red, the same colour as the seats in the House of Lords and is on the opposite side of the Houses of Parliament.In 2005–2007, it underwent a complete refurbishment, including replacing the iron fascias and repainting the whole bridge. It links the Palace of Westminster on the west side of the river with County Hall and the London Eye on the east and was the finishing point during the early years of the London Marathon.The next bridge downstream is the Hungerford footbridge and upstream is Lambeth Bridge. Westminster Bridge was designated a Grade II listed structure in 1981.For over 600 years (at least 1129-1729), the nearest Thames bridge to London Bridge was at Kingston. From late Tudor times congestion in trading hours at London Bridge (for road goods and carriages from Kent, Essex, much of Surrey, Middlesex and beyond) often amounted to more than an hour. A bridge at Westminster was proposed in 1664, but opposed by the Corporation of London and the watermen. Further opposition held sway in 1722. However an intervening bridge (albeit in timber) was built at Putney in 1729 and the scheme received parliamentary approval in 1736. Financed by private capital, lotteries and grants, Westminster Bridge was built between 1739–1750, under the supervision of the Swiss engineer Charles Labelye. The bridge opened on 18 November 1750.The City of London responded to Westminster Bridge and the population growth by removing the buildings on London Bridge and widening it in 1760–63. With Putney Bridge, the bridge paved the way for four others within three decades: Blackfriars Bridge (1769, built by the City), Kew Bridge (1759), Battersea Bridge (1773), and Richmond Bridge (1777) by which date roads and vehicles were improved and fewer regular goods transported by water.The bridge assisted the expanding West End to the developing South London as well as goods and carriages from the more estuarine counties and the East Sussex and Kentish ports. Without the bridge, traffic to/from the greater West End would have to negotiate streets often as congested as London Bridge, principally the Strand/Fleet Street and New Oxford Street/Holborn. Roads on both sides of the river were also built and improved, including Charing Cross Road and around the Elephant & Castle in Southwark.By the mid–19th century the bridge was subsiding badly and expensive to maintain. The current bridge was designed by Thomas Page and opened on 24 May 1862. With a length of 820 feet (250 m) and a width of 85 feet (26 m), it is a seven-arch, cast-iron bridge with Gothic detailing by Charles Barry (the architect of the Palace of Westminster). Since the removal Rennies New London Bridge in 1967 it is the oldest road structure which crosses the Thames in central London.On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack started on the bridge and continued into Bridge Street and Old Palace Yard. Five people - three pedestrians, one police officer, and the attacker - died as a result of the incident. A colleague of the officer (who was stationed nearby) was armed and shot the attacker. More than 50 people were injured. An investigation is ongoing by the Metropolitan Police. 5.What do we know about Westminster Bridge according to the passage?

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    Joy:A Subject Schools LackBecoming educated should not require giving up pleasure.A)When Jonathan Swift proposed, in 1729, that the people of Ireland eat their children, he insisted it would solve three problems at once:feed the hungry masses, reduce the population during a severe depression, and stimulate the restaurant business. Even as asatire(讽刺), it seems disgusting and shocking in America with its child-centered culture. But actually, the country is closer to his proposal than you might think.B)If you spend much time with educators and policy makers, you’ll hear a lot of the following words:“ standards,”“results,”“skills,”“self-control,”“accountability,”and so on. I have visited some of the newer supposedly “effective” schools,where children shout slogans in order to learnself- control or must stand behind their desk when they can’tsit still.C)A look at what goes on in most classrooms these days makes it abundantly clear that when people think about education, they arenotthinking about what it feels like to be a child, or what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right.D)I’m a mother of three, a teacher, and a developmental psychologist. SoI’ve watched a lot ofchildren—talking, playing, arguing, eating, studying, and being young. Here’s what I’ve come to understand. The thing that sets children apart from adults is not their ignorance, nor their lack of skills. It’s their enormous capacity for joy. Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub, a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends, or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip. A child’s ability to become deeply absorbed in something, and derive intense pleasure from that absorption, is something adults spend the rest of their lives trying to return to.E)A friend told me the following story. One day, when he went to get his 7-year-old son from soccer practice,his kid greeted him with a downcast face and a sad voice. The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills. The little boy walked out of the school with his head and shoulders hanging down. He seemed wrapped in sadness. But just before he reached the car door, he suddenly stopped,crouching(蹲伏)down to peer at something on the sidewalk. His face went down lower and lower, and then, with complete joy he called out,“Dad. Come here. This is the strangest bug I’ve ever seen. It has, like, a million legs. Look at this. It’s amazing.”He looked up at his father, his features overflowing with energy and delight. “ Can’t we stay here for just a minute? I want to find out what he does with all those legs. This is the coolest ever. ”F)The traditional view of such moments is that they constitute a charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth—something to be pushed aside to make room for more important qualities,like perseverance(坚持不懈),obligation,and practicality. Yet moments like this one are just the kind of intense absorption and pleasure adults spend the rest of their lives seeking. Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy. Becoming educated should not require giving up joy but rather lead to finding joy in new kinds of things: reading novels instead of playing with small figures,conducting experiments instead of sinking cups in the bathtub,and debating serious issues rather than stringing together nonsense words, for example. In some cases, schools should help children find new, more grown-up ways of doing the same things that are constant sources of joy:making art, making friends, making decisions.G)Building on a child’s ability to feel joy, rather than pushing it aside, wouldn’t be that hard. It would just require a shift in the education world’smindset(思维模式). Instead of trying to get children to work hard, why not focus on getting them to take pleasure in meaningful, productive activity, like making things, working with others, exploring ideas, and solving problems? These focuses are not so different from the things in which they delight.H)Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again. The more horrible the school circumstances, the more important pleasure is to achieving any educational success.I)Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with, often because they are pressured bytheir administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility. The assumption is that children shouldn’tchat in the classroom because it hinders hard work;instead, they should learnto delaygratification(快乐)so that they can pursue abstract goals,like going tocollege.J)Not only is this a boring and awful way to treat children, it makes no sense educationally. Decades of research have shown that in order to acquire skills and real knowledge in school, kids need to want to learn. You can force a child to stay in his or her seat, fill out a worksheet, or practice division. But you can’tforce the child to think carefully, enjoy books, digest complex information, or develop a taste for learning. To make that happen, you have to help the child find pleasure in learning—to see school as a source of joy.K)Adults tend to talk about learning as if it were medicine: unpleasant,but necessary and good for you. Why not instead think of learning as if it were food—something so valuable to humans that they have evolved to experience it as a pleasure?L)Joy should not be trained out of children or left for after-school programs. The more difficult a child’s life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom. “Pleasure” is not a dirty word. And it doesn’t run counter to the goals of public education. It is,in fact, the precondition.1.It will not be difficult to make learning a source of joy if educators change their way of thinking.2.What distinguishes children from adults is their strong ability to derive joy from what they are doing.3.Children in America are being treated with shocking cruelty.4.It is human nature to seek joy in life.5.Grown-ups are likely to think that learning to children is what medicine is to patients.6.Bad school conditions make it all the more important to turn learning into a joyful experience.7.Adults do not consider children’sfeelings when it comes to education.8.Administrators seem to believe that only hard work will lead children to their educational goals.9.In the so-called“effective”schools, children are taught self-control under a set of strict rules.10.To make learning effective, educators have to ensure that children want to learn.

    Joy:A Subject Schools LackBecoming educated should not require giving up pleasure.A)When Jonathan Swift proposed, in 1729, that the people of Ireland eat their children, he insisted it would solve three problems at once:feed the hungry masses, reduce the population during a severe depression, and stimulate the restaurant business. Even as asatire(讽刺), it seems disgusting and shocking in America with its child-centered culture. But actually, the country is closer to his proposal than you might think.B)If you spend much time with educators and policy makers, you’ll hear a lot of the following words:“ standards,”“results,”“skills,”“self-control,”“accountability,”and so on. I have visited some of the newer supposedly “effective” schools,where children shout slogans in order to learnself- control or must stand behind their desk when they can’tsit still.C)A look at what goes on in most classrooms these days makes it abundantly clear that when people think about education, they arenotthinking about what it feels like to be a child, or what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right.D)I’m a mother of three, a teacher, and a developmental psychologist. SoI’ve watched a lot ofchildren—talking, playing, arguing, eating, studying, and being young. Here’s what I’ve come to understand. The thing that sets children apart from adults is not their ignorance, nor their lack of skills. It’s their enormous capacity for joy. Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub, a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends, or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip. A child’s ability to become deeply absorbed in something, and derive intense pleasure from that absorption, is something adults spend the rest of their lives trying to return to.E)A friend told me the following story. One day, when he went to get his 7-year-old son from soccer practice,his kid greeted him with a downcast face and a sad voice. The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills. The little boy walked out of the school with his head and shoulders hanging down. He seemed wrapped in sadness. But just before he reached the car door, he suddenly stopped,crouching(蹲伏)down to peer at something on the sidewalk. His face went down lower and lower, and then, with complete joy he called out,“Dad. Come here. This is the strangest bug I’ve ever seen. It has, like, a million legs. Look at this. It’s amazing.”He looked up at his father, his features overflowing with energy and delight. “ Can’t we stay here for just a minute? I want to find out what he does with all those legs. This is the coolest ever. ”F)The traditional view of such moments is that they constitute a charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth—something to be pushed aside to make room for more important qualities,like perseverance(坚持不懈),obligation,and practicality. Yet moments like this one are just the kind of intense absorption and pleasure adults spend the rest of their lives seeking. Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy. Becoming educated should not require giving up joy but rather lead to finding joy in new kinds of things: reading novels instead of playing with small figures,conducting experiments instead of sinking cups in the bathtub,and debating serious issues rather than stringing together nonsense words, for example. In some cases, schools should help children find new, more grown-up ways of doing the same things that are constant sources of joy:making art, making friends, making decisions.G)Building on a child’s ability to feel joy, rather than pushing it aside, wouldn’t be that hard. It would just require a shift in the education world’smindset(思维模式). Instead of trying to get children to work hard, why not focus on getting them to take pleasure in meaningful, productive activity, like making things, working with others, exploring ideas, and solving problems? These focuses are not so different from the things in which they delight.H)Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again. The more horrible the school circumstances, the more important pleasure is to achieving any educational success.I)Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with, often because they are pressured bytheir administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility. The assumption is that children shouldn’tchat in the classroom because it hinders hard work;instead, they should learnto delaygratification(快乐)so that they can pursue abstract goals,like going tocollege.J)Not only is this a boring and awful way to treat children, it makes no sense educationally. Decades of research have shown that in order to acquire skills and real knowledge in school, kids need to want to learn. You can force a child to stay in his or her seat, fill out a worksheet, or practice division. But you can’tforce the child to think carefully, enjoy books, digest complex information, or develop a taste for learning. To make that happen, you have to help the child find pleasure in learning—to see school as a source of joy.K)Adults tend to talk about learning as if it were medicine: unpleasant,but necessary and good for you. Why not instead think of learning as if it were food—something so valuable to humans that they have evolved to experience it as a pleasure?L)Joy should not be trained out of children or left for after-school programs. The more difficult a child’s life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom. “Pleasure” is not a dirty word. And it doesn’t run counter to the goals of public education. It is,in fact, the precondition.1.It will not be difficult to make learning a source of joy if educators change their way of thinking.2.What distinguishes children from adults is their strong ability to derive joy from what they are doing.3.Children in America are being treated with shocking cruelty.4.It is human nature to seek joy in life.5.Grown-ups are likely to think that learning to children is what medicine is to patients.6.Bad school conditions make it all the more important to turn learning into a joyful experience.7.Adults do not consider children’sfeelings when it comes to education.8.Administrators seem to believe that only hard work will lead children to their educational goals.9.In the so-called“effective”schools, children are taught self-control under a set of strict rules.10.To make learning effective, educators have to ensure that children want to learn.

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