The index to measure the wettability of powder is A: Angle of repose B: contact angle C: CRH D: Porosity
The index to measure the wettability of powder is A: Angle of repose B: contact angle C: CRH D: Porosity
What is the angle of repose? A: The angle of an inclined rock layer measured from a horizontal line B: The angle of the slip plane from a slide C: The angle of plunge into the interior D: The steepest angle at which a material remains at rest
What is the angle of repose? A: The angle of an inclined rock layer measured from a horizontal line B: The angle of the slip plane from a slide C: The angle of plunge into the interior D: The steepest angle at which a material remains at rest
关于舌根悬吊术,正确的描述是: ( ) A: 是用repose悬吊器械,将骨钉固定于颏内侧骨组织内 B: 再用尼龙线穿过口底、舌根,固定于颏部内侧的骨钉上 C: 此手术可使部分OSAHS患者提高UPPP手术的效果 D: 以上都是
关于舌根悬吊术,正确的描述是: ( ) A: 是用repose悬吊器械,将骨钉固定于颏内侧骨组织内 B: 再用尼龙线穿过口底、舌根,固定于颏部内侧的骨钉上 C: 此手术可使部分OSAHS患者提高UPPP手术的效果 D: 以上都是