• 2022-06-09 问题

    —Yousee,“FoodSafety”receivesthousandsofInternethitsaday. A: uninteresting B: hot C: mostuninteresting D: hottest

    —Yousee,“FoodSafety”receivesthousandsofInternethitsaday. A: uninteresting B: hot C: mostuninteresting D: hottest

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Yousee,therewerealwaysagreatnumberoftouristsvisitingtheshops,soIcouldalwaysfindsomeone________totalkwith. A: interest B: interested C: interesting D: interests

    Yousee,therewerealwaysagreatnumberoftouristsvisitingtheshops,soIcouldalwaysfindsomeone________totalkwith. A: interest B: interested C: interesting D: interests

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Shakinghandsisnormwhenbeingintroduced,inaddition,yousee()kissingwhentheymeet. A: twowomen B: twomen C: amanandawoman D: noneisright

    Shakinghandsisnormwhenbeingintroduced,inaddition,yousee()kissingwhentheymeet. A: twowomen B: twomen C: amanandawoman D: noneisright

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    你在右边的图片中看到了什么?What do yousee in the picture?

    你在右边的图片中看到了什么?What do yousee in the picture?

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Yousee, the installation of the machines can begin only after the site has beenchecked by our inspector. A: 您知道,我方有关人员会到达现场,负责机器的安装工作。 B: 您知道,只有在场地交付我方专业人员之后机器才能安装。 C: 您知道,机器安装之后,我方的有关人员会在网址上告知。 D: 您知道,唯有我方检验人员查看了现场之后才能安装机器。

    Yousee, the installation of the machines can begin only after the site has beenchecked by our inspector. A: 您知道,我方有关人员会到达现场,负责机器的安装工作。 B: 您知道,只有在场地交付我方专业人员之后机器才能安装。 C: 您知道,机器安装之后,我方的有关人员会在网址上告知。 D: 您知道,唯有我方检验人员查看了现场之后才能安装机器。

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