• 2022-05-30 问题

    This is a () machine. A: multilateral B: sluggish C: dense D: sophisticated

    This is a () machine. A: multilateral B: sluggish C: dense D: sophisticated

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    The area was covered in () jungle. A: diverse B: dense C: indigenous D: sluggish

    The area was covered in () jungle. A: diverse B: dense C: indigenous D: sluggish

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The government manages to affect the level of aggregate demand through and( )monetary policy. A.commerc ial B.fiscal C.sluggish D.industrial

    The government manages to affect the level of aggregate demand through and( )monetary policy. A.commerc ial B.fiscal C.sluggish D.industrial

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    John always feels sluggish first thing in the morning. The underlined part means ______.

    John always feels sluggish first thing in the morning. The underlined part means ______.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. A: sloppy B: sluggish C: slump D: slur

    Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. A: sloppy B: sluggish C: slump D: slur

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    19. Some economists hope that the introduction of foreign investment and new ideas will help ________ the currently sluggish domestic film market.

    19. Some economists hope that the introduction of foreign investment and new ideas will help ________ the currently sluggish domestic film market.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    It is said in Suwen that “excessive anger” _________. A: drives qi to flow upward B: makes qi sluggish C: consumes qi D: disorders qi

    It is said in Suwen that “excessive anger” _________. A: drives qi to flow upward B: makes qi sluggish C: consumes qi D: disorders qi

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Due to sluggish market conditions, the factory’s workforce has ______ from over 4,000 to a few hundred. A: proclaimed B: dwindled C: repressed D: indulged

    Due to sluggish market conditions, the factory’s workforce has ______ from over 4,000 to a few hundred. A: proclaimed B: dwindled C: repressed D: indulged

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    I managed to ______ him for a few days until I’d got enough money to pay back the loan. A: sluggish B: bust C: stall D: cause

    I managed to ______ him for a few days until I’d got enough money to pay back the loan. A: sluggish B: bust C: stall D: cause

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    比较C≡C, C=C, C─C, C=C─C=C的键长次序为: C=C─C=C>C─C> C≡C >C=C|C=C─C=C>C─C>C=C>C≡C|C≡C>C=C>C─C>C=C─C=C|C─C>C=C>C=C─C=C>C≡C|C─C>C=C─C=C>C=C>C≡C

    比较C≡C, C=C, C─C, C=C─C=C的键长次序为: C=C─C=C>C─C> C≡C >C=C|C=C─C=C>C─C>C=C>C≡C|C≡C>C=C>C─C>C=C─C=C|C─C>C=C>C=C─C=C>C≡C|C─C>C=C─C=C>C=C>C≡C

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