• 2022-05-29
    She wants to know whether the measures have been_________________.
    A: agreed with
    B: agreed upon
    C: agreed over
    D: agreed to
  • B


    • 0

      The general manager, as well as his secretary, to be present in the meeting. A: have agreed B: has agreed C: are agreeing D: have been agreed

    • 1

      This contract is made on the following terms, and conditions as ( ) by both parties. A: agreed B: agreed with C: agreed upon D: agree to

    • 2

      Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed______. A: to B: with C: over D: upon

    • 3

      My friend and adviser____ to lend me his money. A: ;have agreed B: ;has agreed C: agreed D: are agreed

    • 4

      I hope that she___to the demands of the naughty boys. A: will not have agreed B: will not agree C: will not be agree D: will not have been agreed