Once you get to know one another better, hopefully you will find some study partners
A: 一次你们相互之间了解更好,你就会很有希望找到一些学习的伙伴
B: 一旦你们相互之间了解得更好,你就会很有希望找到一些学习的伙伴
A: 一次你们相互之间了解更好,你就会很有希望找到一些学习的伙伴
B: 一旦你们相互之间了解得更好,你就会很有希望找到一些学习的伙伴
- “仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好.”一句正确的译文为( ). A: Carefully studying the original text, you will get a good translation. B: A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation. C: Carefully study the original text, you will get a better translation. D: If you study the original text careful, you will get a good translation.
- 只要资金够多,就一定能找到创业伙伴。
- 不过你对你所交易对象国的文化了解越多,就会越少出问题。所以了解对方文化是很有必要的。
- In the current job market, once you obtain practical experience as well as higher education, you are bound to find a good job. A: 现今的求职市场上,你曾有过实践经验及高学历,可以找到一份好工作。 B: 现今的求职市场上,尽管你有实践经验及高学历,但找到一份好工作的机会很少。 C: 现今的求职市场上,你一旦有高学历也有实践经验,就一定能找到一份好工作。
- “只要认识了他,你就会喜欢他。”最贴的译文是___________. A: As long as you get to know him, you will like him. B: As soon as you get to know him, you will like him. C: On the condition that you get to know him, you will like him. D: As you get to know him, you will like him.