• 2022-05-29
    通过Web of Science数据库检索北京大学附属医院师生发表的文献,可用的检索式是()。
    A: Peking Univ AND hosp
    B: Peking Univ SAME hosp
    C: Peking Univ WITH hosp
    D: Peking Univ NEAR ho
  • B


    • 0

      The beauty of Peking Opera lies in the diverse colors of Peking Opera masks.

    • 1

      _________is of utmost importance in the performance of Peking Opera, because first of all, Peking Opera is such kind of art.

    • 2

      “西学东渐”专题之四 A: Moment in Peking B: Moment in Beijing C: Mist in Peking D: Mist in Beijing

    • 3

      The origins of Peking Opera are in ______ ?

    • 4

      1946年诞生的世界上公认的第一台电子计算机是________。 A: UNIV B: 神州 C: ENIAC D: EVAC