• 2022-05-29
    Theseus had cleansed the road to Athens of its dangers.
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      As a small country, it had to take a new road to its ____. A: industrialization B: industry C: industrial D: industrializing

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      Which hero had Theseus never seen when he was alive?

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      The fifth century BC of Athens is called the Golden Age of Athens when Athens became the super power with political and economic hegemony and one of reasons is that Athens had a great leader __. A: Pericles B: Cleisthenes C: Solon D: Herodotus

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      Theseus was rescued by Heracles who had come down to the underworld for his 12th task.

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      was called "the first citizen of Athens" by Thucydides and in his reign the slave-based democracy politics in Athens reached its peak. A: Justinian I B: Cleon C: Pericles D: Ptolemy