• 2022-05-29
    A: ABS(computer and control)
    B: ABS("computer control")
    C: TITLE("computer control")
    D: TITLE-ABS-KEY(computer and control)
  • D


    • 0

      以下哪个检索式查出的文献数量最多? A: computer * design B: computer + design C: computer - design D: “computer design”

    • 1

      3C是指Computer、communication和Control 。

    • 2

      The main difference between fuzzy control system and common computer digital control system is that fuzzy controller is used in the fuzzy control system.

    • 3

      利用中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)高级检索途径检索有关艾滋病的文献,下列检索式中检索结果最少的是( )。 A: "艾滋病"[中文标题] B: "艾滋病"[中文标题:智能] C: "艾滋病"[常用字段:智能] D: "艾滋病"[常用字段]

    • 4

      3C是指的是 A: computer B: control C: cmmunication D: consumer