• 2022-05-29
    Would you like to pay ______ cash or _______ credit card?
    A: by, with
    B: in, by
    C: in, with
    D: with, by
  • B


    • 0

      10.---How would you like to pay? A: A.by cash B: B.by credit card C: C. in traveler’s check D: D.in money

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      智慧职教: How would you like to pay? In ______ or by credit card?

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      Waiter: ___________would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? A: A. What B: B. What for C: C. How much D: D. How

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      Do you pay by credit card or in cash?

    • 4

      How are you going to pay,______cash or___ credit card?