少林派的少林拳以柔为主,刚柔相济。( ) The Shaolin Boxing of Shaolin School emphasizes flexibility, and couples flexibility with hardness. ( )
- 武当派的武功以刚为主,刚柔并济。( )The martial art of Wudang School emphasizes hardness, and couples hardness with flexibility. ( )
- 中国少林武术结合了少林拳文化和少林()文化。
- Shaolin boxing moves quickly and violently and is highly aggressive.
- _____ is regarded as the best of the best in Shaolin Martial Arts. A: Long Boxing B: Short Boxing C: Arhat Boxing D: Stick Fencing
- 4-2.练习()可分为三种境界:第一种以力行,偏刚偏柔,刚而不柔,柔而不刚,为下乘;第二种以气行,能刚能柔,刚柔相济,气达全身,为中乘;第三种以神运,虚实互补,刚柔倶化,劲透体外,为上乘。 A: 少林五拳 B: 罗汉拳 C: 炮拳 D: 心意把