Shaolin Quan is originated form the Shaolin Temple.
Shaolin Quan is originated form the Shaolin Temple.
Shaolin Temple was originally built for ________.
Shaolin Temple was originally built for ________.
少林派的少林拳以柔为主,刚柔相济。( ) The Shaolin Boxing of Shaolin School emphasizes flexibility, and couples flexibility with hardness. ( )
少林派的少林拳以柔为主,刚柔相济。( ) The Shaolin Boxing of Shaolin School emphasizes flexibility, and couples flexibility with hardness. ( )
What was the first temple built after Buddhism was introduced to China? A: the Pujiu Temple B: the White Horse Temple C: the Shaolin Monastery D: the Shaolin Monastery
What was the first temple built after Buddhism was introduced to China? A: the Pujiu Temple B: the White Horse Temple C: the Shaolin Monastery D: the Shaolin Monastery
少林寺也被称为 。The Shaolin Temple is also called . A:
少林寺也被称为 。The Shaolin Temple is also called . A:
Shaolin boxing moves quickly and violently and is highly aggressive.
Shaolin boxing moves quickly and violently and is highly aggressive.
In order to master the Shaolin Kungfu, monks have to improve their ________ studies.
In order to master the Shaolin Kungfu, monks have to improve their ________ studies.
Which of the following statements are correct? A: There are many schools of Chinese martial arts, among which the most well-known are “North Wudang, South Shaolin”. B: There are many schools of Chinese martial arts, among which the most well-known are “South Wudang, North Shaolin”. C: Shaolin Tai Chi and sword as well as Wudang iron-cloth and stick play are also very well-known. D: Wudang Tai Chi and sword as well as Shaolin iron-cloth and stick play are also very well-known.
Which of the following statements are correct? A: There are many schools of Chinese martial arts, among which the most well-known are “North Wudang, South Shaolin”. B: There are many schools of Chinese martial arts, among which the most well-known are “South Wudang, North Shaolin”. C: Shaolin Tai Chi and sword as well as Wudang iron-cloth and stick play are also very well-known. D: Wudang Tai Chi and sword as well as Shaolin iron-cloth and stick play are also very well-known.
中国大学MOOC: _____ is regarded as the best of the best in Shaolin Martial Arts.
中国大学MOOC: _____ is regarded as the best of the best in Shaolin Martial Arts.
17.ChineseKungFuincludeshundredsofstylesofChinesemartialarts,suchas: A: Tai-chi B: Hsing-I C: Yung-chun D: Shaolin
17.ChineseKungFuincludeshundredsofstylesofChinesemartialarts,suchas: A: Tai-chi B: Hsing-I C: Yung-chun D: Shaolin