• 2022-05-29
    Which of the following descriptions are true?
    A: A. China has both marine and land boundary line of more than 20,000 kilometers and a coastline of 18,000 kilometers.
    B: B. China almost has all kinds of landforms, such as plateau, plain and basin.
    C: C. China occupies the third large geographical area in the world next only to Russia and America.
    D: D. The land surface of China slopes down from west to east in a three-step staircase.
  • A,B,D


    • 0

      What is the land area of China? A: 9.0 millionsquare kilometers B: 9.4 million square kilometers C: 9.6 million square kilometers D: 9.2 million square kilometers

    • 1

      The population of China ______ larger than that of America. A: have B: B. has C: C. are D: D. is

    • 2

      2.China has the third largest land area, next only to and .

    • 3

      Not only is Kobe more popular in China than America, basketball is more popular in China than the U.S. as well.

    • 4

      In this course, we involve teaching assistants from _______, who are both talented and hard-working. A: China, Canada, Russia, Pakistan and Spain B: China, Canada, Russia, Pakistan and Japan. C: China, Canada, Russia, France and Spain. D: China, Canada, America, Pakistan and Spain.