• 2022-06-12 问题

    A house can keep out the rain , but sometimes , it is the elaborate lamp on the front door , or the intricate carving on the staircase that seems to provide people with a sense of identity .

    A house can keep out the rain , but sometimes , it is the elaborate lamp on the front door , or the intricate carving on the staircase that seems to provide people with a sense of identity .

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    A person is standing on a staircase. He walks clown 4 steps, up 3 steps, down 6 steps, up 2 steps, up 9 steps, and down 2 steps. Where is he standing in relation to the step on which he started A: 2 steps above B: 1 step above C: the same place D: 1 step below E: (E) 2 steps below

    A person is standing on a staircase. He walks clown 4 steps, up 3 steps, down 6 steps, up 2 steps, up 9 steps, and down 2 steps. Where is he standing in relation to the step on which he started A: 2 steps above B: 1 step above C: the same place D: 1 step below E: (E) 2 steps below

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the following descriptions are true? A: A. China has both marine and land boundary line of more than 20,000 kilometers and a coastline of 18,000 kilometers. B: B. China almost has all kinds of landforms, such as plateau, plain and basin. C: C. China occupies the third large geographical area in the world next only to Russia and America. D: D. The land surface of China slopes down from west to east in a three-step staircase.

    Which of the following descriptions are true? A: A. China has both marine and land boundary line of more than 20,000 kilometers and a coastline of 18,000 kilometers. B: B. China almost has all kinds of landforms, such as plateau, plain and basin. C: C. China occupies the third large geographical area in the world next only to Russia and America. D: D. The land surface of China slopes down from west to east in a three-step staircase.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which of the following descriptions are true? A: A.China has both marine and land boundary line of more than 20,000 kilometers and a coastline of 18,000 kilometers. B: B. China almost has all kinds of landforms, such as plateau, plain and basin. C: C. China occupys the third large geographical area in the world next only to Russia and America. D: D. The land surface of China slopes down from west to east in a three-step staircase.

    Which of the following descriptions are true? A: A.China has both marine and land boundary line of more than 20,000 kilometers and a coastline of 18,000 kilometers. B: B. China almost has all kinds of landforms, such as plateau, plain and basin. C: C. China occupys the third large geographical area in the world next only to Russia and America. D: D. The land surface of China slopes down from west to east in a three-step staircase.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【多选题】关于现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯的构造,下列说法正确的有哪些?请把所有符合的选项都选出来。 A. 现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯的英文是cast-in-place reinforced concrete staircase。 B. 根据传力特点,现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯分为板式和梁板式。 C. 现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯整体性强,施工不受外界环境影响。 D. 将楼梯梯段与楼梯平台现浇成一块整体折板,更节省材料。 E. 正梁式也叫明步,梁在板下,踏步露明,有利于防止污水弄脏楼梯。 F. 单梁式楼梯外观轻巧,节约材料,稳定性差

    【多选题】关于现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯的构造,下列说法正确的有哪些?请把所有符合的选项都选出来。 A. 现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯的英文是cast-in-place reinforced concrete staircase。 B. 根据传力特点,现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯分为板式和梁板式。 C. 现浇钢筋混凝土楼梯整体性强,施工不受外界环境影响。 D. 将楼梯梯段与楼梯平台现浇成一块整体折板,更节省材料。 E. 正梁式也叫明步,梁在板下,踏步露明,有利于防止污水弄脏楼梯。 F. 单梁式楼梯外观轻巧,节约材料,稳定性差

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