• 2022-05-29
    Which of the following descriptions is false?
    A: Aching and weakness of waist and knees is the pathological change of the kidney.
    B: Palpitations and insomnia are the pathological changes of the heart.
    C: Distention,fullness and pain of chest and hypochondrium are the pathological changes of the liver.
    D: Susceptibility to losing temper is the pathological change of the spleen.
  • D


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      The basic pathological changes of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is : A: Extensive systemic damage to small vessels B: Hypovolemic shock C: Acute intravascular coagulation D: Acute renal failure

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      The most authoritative clinical diagnosis of tumor is pathological diagnosis.

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      What pathological change can you find in the specimen? [img=650x429]180331dee33576b.jpg[/img] A: .Fibrous atheromatous plaque B: Fatty streak C: Complicated plaque D: Hypertension

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      Young and middle-aged people suffer from hair loss, Which of the following descriptions are correct? A: Hair loss accompanied with fatigue is mostly caused by qi deficiency. B: Hair loss accompanied with aching and weakness of waist and knees is mostly caused by kidney deficiency. C: Hair loss accompanied with insomnia is mostly caused by blood deficiency. D: If there is no other accompanied symptoms, it is congenital white hair.

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      34. The most authoritative clinical diagnosis of tumor is pathological diagnosis.