• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following is NOT the basic pathological changes of chronic viral hepatitis()
    A: Inflammation
    B: Cirrhosis
    C: Fibrosis
    D: Cell apotosis
  • D


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      Which of the following is the features of inflammatory polyp except<br/>____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

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      Which of the following is NOT in conformity with the features of<br/>inflammatory polyp____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix

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      Which of the following statements about inflammatory cells are INCORRECT? A: Lymphocytes are the most prominent inflammatory cells in viral infection B: Neutrophils are the most prominent inflammatory cells in acute inflammation C: Lymphocytes, together with plasma cells and eosinophils, are the most prominent inflammaroty cells in chronic inflammation D: Mast cells and basophils are sources of histamine E: Basophils are the predominant inflammatory cells in allergic reactions

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      Which of the following is not a main clinical manifestation of acute viral hepatitis? A: Loss of appetite B: Fatigue C: In some cases jaundice D: Hepatomegaly and liver function impairment E: Emaciation

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      Vaccination for this hepatic disease is with viral surface antigen and usually provides immunity. A: Hepatitis A B: Hepatitis B C: Hepatitis C D: Hepatitis D E: Hepatitis E