• 2022-05-29
    Which of the following situations is most dangerous according to the passage
    A: Adults giving a lift to teenagers on the highway affair 10 p.m.
    B: A teenager driving after midnight with passengers in the car.
    C: Adults driving with three or more teenage passengers late at night.
    D: A teenager getting a lift from a stranger on the highway at midnight.
  • B



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      There are jobs more dangerous than driving a racing car, for example, training lions.

    • 1

      One of the most frustrating things about driving a car is getting stuck in traffic.

    • 2

      Why did they plan to see a midnight show A: Because there is a new movie on at midnight. B: Because a midnight show is more exciting. C: Because they don’t have time until midnight. D: Because they can have more fun at midnight.

    • 3

      Which of the following roads represent highway from east to west?

    • 4

      Two of the most frustrating things about driving a car are getting lost and ______ stuck in traffic.