• 2022-05-29
    Heracles was the only mortal who had entered the Underworld and then came out of it alive.
  • 错误


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      Canada came out of WWII as a full-fledged and sovereign state and entered a golden age of international diplomacy.

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      中国大学MOOC: Only those who have had much practice can carry out this _________ chain of events successfully.

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      Hewasthe____atthemoment. A: only alive person B: alive only person C: only person alive D: person only alive

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      It ______ that he was given a fair trial and had no complaint. A: came along B: came out C: came about D: came down

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      __________was the first mortal woman who was formed out of clay by the gods. A: Diana B: Pandora C: Athena D: Hera